List of Jade Solid Gold Top 10 Music Awards 2009 Presentation Winners
held on Saturday, January 16, 2010
Photos at the Jade Solid God Top 10 Music Awards 2009 Presentation:

Top 10 Song Awards
1. Sherman Chung - A Letter To Myself 給自己的信
2. Joey Yung - My Own Book of Legends 搜神記
3. Raymond Lam - If the Times Comes 如果時間來到
4. Denise Ho - The Diamond Sutra 金剛經
5. Leo Ku - Earth is Dangerous 地球很危險
6. Kary Ng - Here We Are
7. Charlene Choi - Two Without One 二缺一
8. Stephanie Cheng - Borrow 借
9. Miriam Yeung - Actually I Am Very Happy 原來過得很快樂
10. Joey Yung - With Songs & Tears 可歌可泣
Best Male Singer
Leo Ku
Most Popular Asia Pacific Hong Kong Male Singer
Raymond Lam
Best Female Singer
Miriam Yeung
Most Popular Asia Pacific Hong Kong Female Singer
Joey Yung
Best Newcomer
Gold: Kate Tsui 徐子珊
Silver: Jonathon Wong 王梓軒
Bronze: Cilla Lok 樂瞳
Newcomer Impact Award
Chita 餘翠芝
Best Composition: Mark Lui (Even if the World has no Fairytales 就算世界無童話) Sung by: Janice Vidal
Best Lyricist: Sandy Chang (If the Times Comes 如果時間來到) Sung by: Raymond Lam
Best Arrangement: Johnny Yim (If the Times Comes 如果時間來到) Sung by: Raymond Lam
Best Song Producer: Mark Lui (Where Did U Go?) Sung by: G.E.M
2009 Outstanding Performer Award
Gold: G.E.M
Silver: Charlene Choi
Bronze: Linda Chung
Best Group
Gold: Rubberband
Silver: Fama
Bronze: Hotcha
Best Duet Song Award
Gold: Vincy Chan/Hai Ming Wei - My Memory Isn't Mine 我的回憶不是我的
Silver: Myolie Wu/Chilam Cheung -A Clean Break 一刀了斷
Bronze: Phillip Wei/Linda Chung - Love Hurts 戀愛令人心痛
Best Stage Performance Award
Best Songwriter Singer Award
Gold: Ivana Wong - Moon Says 月亮說
Silver: Justin Lo
Bronze: Pong Nam
Best Mandarin Song Award
Gold: Gary Cao - Mister Lonely 寂寞先生
Silver: Joey Yung- Is This Love? 這就是愛嗎
Bronze: Raymond Lam/Vincy Chan - After Tommorow 明天以後
Best Revision Song Award
Gold: Sherman Chung- A Letter To Myself 給自己的信
Silver: Joey Yung - Open Happiness Up 開動快樂
Bronze: William Chan - Today I Finally Know I'm Wrong 今天終於知道錯
Best Commercial Song Award
Joey Yung - Double Champion 雙冠軍
4 Stations Best Song Award
Leo Ku - Earth is Dangerous 地球很危險
Gold Song Gold Award
Joey Yung - My Own Book of Legends 搜神記
Source: (Thank you and credits to Roxxar: http://asian.tv-soap.com/, aZnangel: http://asianuniverse.net/ and all sources for the information and pictures)
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