Sinopsis dan video klip Drama Asia (Korea)- The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 37/ Synopsis and video clips of The Great Queen Seon Deok of Episode 37
Title: Queen Seon Duk
Format: Drama
historical drama
Yowon Lee
Hyeonjeong Ko
Yejin Park
Taewoong Uhm
Country of origin South Korea South Korea
No. of episodes 62

Deokman (later known as Queen Seon Deok) was born as a twin but was abandoned as a baby. She was later brought back to the Silla palace, where she joined forces with her twin sister Princess Cheonmyeng to oppose Mi-shil, who wanted to seize power. Mi-shil devised sinister plans to have the two Silla princesses exiled from the kingdom, and in a secretive battle, Princess Chonmyong was assassinated by Mi-shil. However, Princess Deokman shrewdly enlisted the help of General Kim Yusin and eliminated her archenemy Mi-shil. She became the first female ruler of the Silla kingdom.
Video clips of OST The Great Queen Seon Deok ( Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕) - 아이유(IU) - 바람꽃 Wind Flower
- Lee Yo Won as Deokman/Queen Seondeok
- Nam Ji Hyun as young Deokman
- Ko Hyeon-jeong as Lady Misil
- UEE as young Lady Misil
- Park Ye-Jin as Princess Cheonmyeong
- Shin Se Kyung as young Princess Cheonmyeong
- Uhm Tae Woong as Kim Yushin
- Lee Hyun Woo as young Kim Yushin
- Kim Nam Gil as Bidam
- Park Ji Bin as young Bidam
- Yu Seung-ho as Kim Chunchu
- Lee Seung-hyo as Alcheon
Extended Cast
- Jo Min Ki as King Jinpyeong (Deokman's Father)
- Baek Jong Min as young Jinpyeong
- Kang San as child Jinpyeong
- Baek Jong Min as young Jinpyeong
- Yoon Yoo Sun as Lady Maya (Deokman's Mother, Kim Jinpyeong's wife)
- Park Soo Jin as young Lady Maya
- Seo Young Hee as So Hwa
Sinopsis Drama Asia (Korea)- The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 38
Tayang: 1-Jan-2010 16:30 WIB
Kesal dengan sikap Chunchu (Yoo Seung-ho) yang kekanak-kanakan, Bidam menggunakan sarung pedangnya untuk menghajar pemuda yang tidak tahu diri itu. Tidak hanya sampai disana, Bidam juga menyuruh Chunchu kembali menyusun lembaran kertas yang telah disobeknya.
Sempat keluar ruangan bersama Yeomjong untuk mencari tahu alasan keberadaan Chunchu, Bidam kembali dibuat kesal karena saat kembali, pemuda itu tengah tertidur. Tiba-tiba Bidam tersadar sesuatu : Chunchu mampu mengingat halaman buku yang disobek dan menyusunnya sesuai dengan urutan. Dari situ ia sadar kalau Chunchu bukan pemuda biasa.
Hal terakhir yang harus diselesaikan oleh Bidam adalah membunuh Yeomjong, otak dibalik kematian Munno. Namun di tempat sepi, Yeomjong malah tertawa dan menyebut kalau dirinya dan Bidam sama-sama bertanggung jawab. Meski kesal, Bidam sadar kalau ucapan tersebut benar adanya.
Usai melampiaskan kekesalannya dengan memukul Yeomjong habis-habisan, Bidam mulai tergoda ketika pria itu berjanji bakal menggunakan kumpulan mata-mata miliknya untuk memenuhi ambisi putra Mishil tersebut. Sebagai tanda mata, Bidam menggores wajah Yeomjong sambil mengancam supaya tidak berani menentangnya.
Setelah pelantikan Yushin (Uhm Tae-woong) sebagai pungwolju, Putri Deokman (Lee Yo-won) mulai mencari tahu alasan kenapa kerajaan Shilla yang teritorinya luas belum bisa makmur. Dari penuturan Yongchun (Do Yi-sung), baru ketahuan kalau selama ini lahan tidak pernah dikelola dengan baik karena kualitas alat pertanian yang buruk.
Masalah pangan mulai mencuat ketika harga-harga merangkak naik, bahkan sempat terjadi kemelut di pasar yang berakibat terbunuhnya seorang pedagang. Bersama para bawahannya, Putri Deokman memutuskan untuk mengecek keadaan pasar. Terjadi keanehan : meski mempunyai stok barang, para pedagang menolak menjual bahan pangan milik mereka.
Mengikuti gerakan beberapa pedagang, Jukbang (Lee Moon-shik) dan Godo (Ryu Dam) melihat kereta berisi bahan pangan masuk ke rumah milik Seolwon (Jun Noh-min) dan Bojong (Baek Do-bin). Hal yang sama ternyata juga dilakukan oleh Hajong (Kim Jung-hyun), yang membeli bahan makanan dalam jumlah besar.
Jukbang langsung melaporkan apa yang ditemuinya dan Putri Deokman berhasil mengambil kesimpulan : para bangsawan sengaja menimbun barang hingga harga tinggi sebelum kemudian kembali dijual alias bermain spekulasi. Sayangnya ketika dilaporkan ke Raja Jinpyeong (Jo Min-ki), sang raja tidak bisa berbuat banyak karena praktek tersebut telah berlangsung puluhan tahun.
Terus-menerus kabur dari pelajaran dan kerap kedapatan tengah bersenang-senang di kediaman Borang (Park Eun-bin), Chunchu akhirnya kena batunya. Oleh Yushin, seorang guru baru ditempatkan untuk mendidik sang pangeran : Bidam.
Berusaha mendapat pemecahan yang memuaskan, Putri Deokman mendatangi kediaman Mishil (Go Hyeon-jeong). Seperti yang telah diduga, Mishil mampu melontarkan pertanyaan yang membuat Putri Deokman harus berpikir keras. Sambil berdiskusi dengan Yushin, Putri Deokman akhirnya mulai mengerti bahwa tujuan lain dari permainan spekulasi yang dilakukan para bangsawan adalah demi mempengaruhi sentimen publik terhadap raja.
Bukan Putri Deokman namanya kalau tidak memikirkan penyelesaian masalah, apalagi dirinya sempat cukup lama hidup di lingkungan kaum pedagang. Atas ijin Raja Jinpyeong, Putri Deokman berhasil menggunakan persediaan pangan istana untuk menghadapi permainan spekulasi para bangsawan.
Begitu tahu langkah Putri Deokman, kubu Mishil sangat terkejut. Yang jadi korban adalah para bawahannya yang tidak mempunyai persediaan dana yang kuat, mereka mulai menjual beras yang ditimbun hingga otomatis harga di pasar jatuh.
Rapat kabinet langsung digelar, dengan terang-terangan Sejong (Dok Go-young) menyatakan keberatan atas keberanian Putri Deokman menggunakan persediaan pangan kerajaan untuk ikut bermain spekulasi. Namun, sang putri hanya tersenyum sambil menyebut kalau dirinya punya cara untuk bisa mendapatkan kembali stok yang dijual.
Mishil yang mulai mengerti akan langkah Putri Deokman menyatakan kalau sang rival tidak akan bisa bertahan lama. Bisa dibayangkan, bagaimana reaksi Mishil dan Sejong saat tahu Putri Deokman berniat menjual semua persediaan pangan istana...termasuk stok yang biasa digunakan untuk berjaga-jaga seandainya terjadi perang.
Sinopsis The Great Queen Seon Deok ( Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕)) Episode 38
Bi Dam mengarahkan belati ke arah leher Kim Chun Chu. Chun Chu tersenyum padanya an tanya siapa Bi Dam. Bi Dam melihat semua bola2 kertas itu dan kesal sekali. Bi Dam bertanya berapa usia Chun Chun, mengapa ia bertanya tanpa sopan santun. Bi dam mengayunkan belatinya dan menancapkannya di meja. Bi Dam menarik Kim Chun Chu ke tempat tidur, Chun Chu memohon agar Bi Dam menunggu, tapi Bi Dam menutup badan Chun Chu dengan selimut dan memukulinya. Bi Dam kesal beraninya Kim Chun Chu merusak buku Moon Noh.
Yeom Jong masuk dan berusaha agar Bi Dam berhenti memukul Chun Chu tapi Bi Dam memukul ulu hati Yeom Jong dan Yeom Jong pingsan lagi. Kim Chun Chu harus membongkar semua bola kertasnya dan menyusun lembaran-lembaran kertas itu menjadi buku kembali dibawah pengawasan Bi Dam. Bi Dam tanya siapa Chun Chu. Yeom Jong berusaha bangkit dan ingin menjelaskan saat Bi Dam mengangkat kakinya dan minta Yeom Jong kembali ke posisi awal jika tidak mau mati. Yeom jong kembali berlutut.
Hidung Kim Chun Chu berdarah dan tersenyum pada Bi Dam yang..tersenyum balik padanya dan berkata agar Chun Chu mengerjakannya dengan baik. Bi Dam menarik Yeom Jong keluar dan bertanya siapa Kim Chun Chu. Yeom Jong berkata ia adalah Kim Chun Chu anak putri Cheon Myeong. Bi Dam tidak percaya : idiot itu Kim chun Chu..? Yeom Jong juga tidak begitu yakin, tapi ia tahu kalau Kim Chun Chu berasal dari keluarga Raja Silla. Bi Dam memperlihatkan belatinya pada Yeom Jong, apa Yeom Jong ingin ia percaya bahwa Kim Chun Chu adalah dalang pembunuhan gurunya Moon Noh.
Yeom Jong berkata Bi Dam salah paham, Kim Chun Chu tidak ada hubungan sama sekali dengan insiden itu. Yeom Jong hanya memberikan buku itu pada Chun Chu untuk berdiskusi. Bi Dam bertanya apa alasan Yeom Jong berkata ia tidak sependapat dengan Moon Noh. Yeom Jong berkata bahwa pemilik buku ini sesungguhnya bukan Kim Yu Shin tapi anak itu. Bi Dam kembali ke kamar dan menemukan Kim Chun Chu tidur. Ia membangunkan Chun Chu. Kim Chun Chu bangun dan berkata ia perlu tidur sebentar.
Bi Dam mengambil halaman2 bukunya dan Yeom Jong minta maaf pada Kim Chun Chu. Bi Dam hanya memanggil "hey" pada Chun Chu, Yeom Jong mengingatkan Bi Dam akan status Chun Chu tapi Bi Dam tidak ambil pusing dengan itu. Bi Dam minta Yeom Jong diam jika masih mau hidup. Bi Dam berkata pada Chun Chu bagaimana ia harus menyusun kertas2 ini lagi. Kim Chun Chu berkata Bi Dam harus menyusunnya sesuai urutan. Bi Dam heran dan ia tanya apa Chun Chu ingat dengan urutannya. Bi Dam menyadari Kim Chun Chu memiliki photographic memory saat ia melihat Kim Chun Chu menyusun lembaran2 itu dengan urutan yang benar.
Buku-buku itu sudah tersusun lagi. Bi Dam membawanya lagi dan mengarahkan pedang ke Yeom Jong. Ia sudah mendapatkan bukunya dan yang tinggal ia lakukan adalah membunuh Yeom Jong. Yeom Jong tertawa dan berkata apa ini adil. Bi Dam sebal dengan cengiran Yeom Jong dan Yeom Jong terus tertawa dan benar2 membuat jengkel Bi Dam. Bi Dam mengayunkan pisaunya dan berkata biar ia merasakannya, coba kita lihat apa Yeom Jong masih bisa tertawa dengan kepala yang sudah terpisah dari lehernya.
Yeom Jong memohon dan berkata Bi Dam tidak dapat melakukan ini padanya karena mereka satu komplotan. Bi Dam tidak mengerti bagaimana mereka bisa satu komplotan. Yeom Jong berkata Moon Noh tidak akan mati hanya dengan senjata rahasia beracun yang tidak bisa ia hindari. Ini karena dia sedang bertempur dalam pertempuran sengit dengan muridnya, itulah sebabnya ia tidak bisa menghindar dan mati. (Tirza: licik banget nih orang). Yeom Jong menantang Bi Dam untuk menyerangnya dan kemudian bunuh diri karena ia juga adalah penyebab kematian Moon Noh.
Yeom Jong minta Bi Dam mengampuni nyawanya karena mereka berdua dapat bekerjasama. Bi Dam melampiaskan kemarahannya dengan menendang Yeom Jong ke tanah. Bi Dam minta 3 alasan mengapa ia harus melepaskan Yeom Jong. Yeom Jong berkata ada yang harus Bi Dam mengerti dan ketahui mengenai buku topografi 3 negara itu, buku itu bukan milik Moon Noh. Itu miliknya dan Moon Noh. Yeom Jong bertanya darimana Moon Noh mendapat uang untuk perjalanannya ke Goguryeo, Baekje, dan Sui Cina beberapa tahun lalu. Siapa yang membiayainya? Apa Moon Noh melakukannya sendiri, itu melalui Yeom Jong dan jaringan bisnisnya yang membuat Moon Noh dapat melakukan semuanya. Jadi ia juga berhak atas buku itu.
Bi Dam tanya alasan berikutnya. Yeom Jong berkata Moon Noh ingin memberikan buku2 itu pada seseorang bernama Kim Yu shin dan Yeom Jong kesal sekali, karena ia belum mengenal orang itu. Dia benar2 marah dan kesal. Bi Dam : lalu alasan ke-3 ? Ia bersiap menyerang Yeom Jong. Yeom Jong berkata ia punya jaringan mata-mata di 3 negara, jika ia mati maka jaringannya akan hancur tapi ia dapat membantu menggunakan jaringan ini untuk kepentingan Bi Dam. Bi Dam tanya mengapa Yeom Jong mau melakukannya. Yeom Jong mengajak Bi Dam menciptakan jalan menjadi Raja bersama bahwa orang seperti Bi Dam akan memiliki orang se
perti Yeom Jong yang memiliki kemampuan untuk memilih seseorang menjadi Raja.
Yeom Jong berkata bahwa badut (Kim Chun Chu) di dalam itu bahkan Mi shil juga menginginkannya. Tidak ragu lagi ia akan menjadi penguasa. Bi Dam menyadari Yeom Jong tahu bahwa Moon Noh akan menyerahkan buku2 pada Kim Yu Shin, itu yang membuat Bi Dam bertempur dengan gurunya. Yeom jong berkata, Bi Dam pasti tahu bagaimana perasaannya. Bi Dam marah dan menggores wajah Yeom Jong. Yeom Jong berteriak kesakitan. Bi Dam mengingatkan Yeom Jong setiap kali kau melihat luka di wajahmu, kau harus ingat jika kau menghianatiku, kau pasti akan mati. Jika kau lari, kau akan mati. Bi Dam berkata mereka akan menciptakan Raja bersama dan akan membawanya ke takhta tapi bukan pelawak Kim Chun Chu itu yang ada di dalam.
Bi Dam mengambil buku2nya dan Yeom Jong masih kesakitan. Bi Dam berpikir, Mi Shil mendukung Kim Chun Chu yang pelawak itu dan tidak mengerti apa yang direncanakan Mi Shil.
Kim Yu Shin membacakan keputusan untuk mempromosikan beberapa nangdo. Ia menaikkan jabatan Joo Bang dan Seo Ji dari Yonghwa sebagai Dae Nang Du (tingkat ke-6 Nangdu, kelas menengah dari Hwarang). Yang Gil dari resimen Bi Cheon sebagai Dae Do (ranking tertinggi dari nangdo). Wyol Ya dipilih sebagai So Gam yang akan membantu Al Cheon. So Gam adalah Instruktur Militer ranking 8. Wyol Ya menerima perintah Pungwolju Kim Yu Shin.
Kim yu Shin berkata mulai sekarang ada perubahan dalam pengawal istana. Kim Yu Shin akan mengatur kembali tingkatan pengawal istana. Kim Yu Shin menugaskan Wyol Ya untuk menjaga keluarga Raja. Wyol Ya memanggil resimen Yonghwa untuk mengikutinya.
Seok Bum memberi laporan pada Chil Sook bahwa Wyol Ya adalah anak salah satu pemimpin di benteng Manno, saat itu Kim Seo Hyeon yang menjadi gubernur Manno. Dan sekarang Wyol Ya menjadi anak angkat Kim Seo Hyeon. Chil Sook berkata mereka sudah kehilangan banyak orang dan Mi Shil juga sudah setuju untuk menambah pasukan. Seok Bum bertanya apa Chil Sook cemas dengan rencana Kim Yu Shin. San Tak meyakinkan agar Chil Sook tidak terlalu khawatir karena mereka akan mengawasi semua aktifitas Nang Do. Chil Sook minta mereka terus melaporkan perkembangan Hwa Rang dan Nang Do kepada Chil Sook. Chil Sook bertanya tentang Bi Dam. Seok Bum berkata Bi Dam masih tidak memiliki nang do dan tidak ada kegiatan mencurigakan yang ia lakukan (Tirza: andai ia tahu...). Chil Sook mengerti.
Deok Man berdiskusi dengan Kim Yong Chu mengapa meskipun Raja Jinpyeong sudah memperluas wilayah Silla, mengapa mereka masih menghadapi kekurangan pangan. Kim Yong Chu menjelaskan mereka mungkin memiliki tanah yang luas tapi tidak subur dan tidak bagus untuk pertanian. Deok Man berpikir mengenai tanah yang tidak subur, Kim Yong Chu berkata tanah itu ditanami setahun sekali, tahun berikutnya tanah itu tidak bagus lagi dan tidak subur.
Deok Man bertanya apa ada industri lain yang dapat diusahakan di tanah itu. Kim Yong Chu menggelengkan kepalanya. Deok Man meninjau pertambangan besi dan ia ingat dengan pengetahuan Wyol Cheon tentang produksi besi untuk menghasilkan peralatan selain peralatan perang. Deok Man bertanya apa peralatan pertanian juga dapat menggunakan besi. Wyol Cheon membenarkan, peralatan pertanian tidak sekuat senjata jadi susah untuk menggemburkan tanah.
Kim Yu Shin melihat Deok Man yang sedang tenggelam dalam pikirannya, ia tanya apa yang dipikirkan Deok Man. Deok Man menoleh dan berkata ia menunggu tanggapan Kim Yu Shin. Yu Shin heran. Deok Man bertanya apa mungkin mereka melebur besi dari senjata untuk membuat peralatan pertanian. Kim Yu Shin langsung tidak setuju dengan gagasan itu dan Al Cheon berkata Yu Shin terlalu cepat memberikan jawaban. Kim Yu Shin bertanya, lalu aku harus menjawab apa. Yu Shin minta Deok Man mencari alternatif lain tanpa harus mengganggu produksi senjata. Kim Yu Shin mohon diri karena ia harus melatih Kim Chun Chu. Al Cheon heran dengan tanggapan Yu Shin dan Deok Man berpikir lagi.
Joo Bang dan anggota resimen Yonghwa yang lain menyelinap keluar. Dae Pung berkata Wyol Ya minta mereka berkumpul sekitar pukul i-3 siang. Joo Bang merasa hari ini sungguh aneh. Apa benar mereka harus berlatih di hari seperti ini. Teman2 Joo Bang minta ditraktir minum, akhirnya mereka minum di kedai. Lalu mereka mendengar seseorang berdebat dengan pedagang bahwa harga benar2 kacau. Kemarin ia dapat menukar 10 bal kain dengan 2 kg gandum. Bagaimana sekarang harganya bisa naik begitu tinggi. Jo Bang dkk melihat kerumunan rakyat. Pedagang juga mengeluh karena harga naik terus, ia jadi susah berbisnis, juga ada kelaparan di mana-mana dan stok pangan menipis. Pelanggan itu bertanya kalau begitu apa yang disimpan si pedagang di boks2 itu. Pedagang itu berkata stok di kotak2 itu sudah terjual. Si pembeli memohon agar membagi sedikit dengannya karena mereka akan kelaparan tapi pedagang itu tidak peduli dan mendorongnya ke tanah.
Anggota Yonghwa heran apa benar harga melonjak naik begitu tinggi. Guk San heun berkata ibunya juga khawatir dengan harga yang terus naik. Joo Bang mengajak teman2nya pergi, ia tidak tahan melihat fakta menyedihkan ini. Saat mereka pergi, tiba2 si pembeli menyerang pedagang itu dan pedagang itu mati. Joo Bang harus melaporkannya.
Kim Yu Shin melatih Chun Chu. Yu Shin minta Chun Chu meneriakkan setiap pukulan. Kim Chun Chu menjawab ia menghitung dalam hati. Yu Shin minta Chun Chu meneriakkannya agar tetap fokus. Kim Chun Chu berkata apa ia harus seberisik itu untuk tetap fokus atau ada alternatif lain. Kim Yu Shin harus benar2 bersabar dengan anak ini. Joo Bang dan Go Do lari dan melaporkan kejadian di pasar. Kim Chun Chu mengenali Joo Bang dan menghindari kontak. Joo Bang terus minta Yu Shin ke pasar dan melihat sendiri.
Kim Yu Shin akan berpamitan tapi Kim Chun chu sudah kabur dan hilang dari pandangan Kim Yu Shin. Kim Chun Chu menemui Dae Nam Bo dan minta agar ia membawanya pergi jika tidak Kim Yu Shin akan segera mencarinya. Saat Kim Chun Chu akan pergi, ia melihat Bi Dam berjalan mendekat. Kim Chun Chu segera menyembunyikan diri. Dae Nam Bo tanya ada apa dan Chun Chu berkata Bi Dam benar2 karakter yang menakutkan.
Kim Yu Shin tiba di tempat kejadian, si pembeli sudah menahan seorang anak dan mengacungkan senjata dan mengancam akan membunuh siapa pun yang mendekat. Bo Jong memberi penjelasan pada Kim Yu Shin mengenai kejadiannya. Seok Bum dan Bo Jong maju duluan untuk menarik perhatian orang itu, tapi orang itu mengancam akan membunuh anak perempuan itu dengan kapak. Sementara itu, Kim Yu Shin berhasil menyelinap dan mengambil tongkat bambu dan melumpuhkan orang itu. Dae Pung dan Guk San heun mengikatnya.
Dalam penyelidikan di depan Kim Seo hyeon. Orang itu dan Joo Bang memberikan keterangan. Kejadiannya karena si penjual menolak menjual gandum padanya dan ia terpicu kemarahannya dan membunuh penjual itu. Kim Seo Hyeon bertanya apa benar kejadiannya seperti itu. Si pembeli membenarkan. Ini karena tanah pertanian sudah mengering dan ia tidak dapat mendapatkan apapun dari tanahnya. Tidak ada yang dapat dimakan keluarganya. Pembeli itu mohon agar tidak dibunuh karena bagaimanapun ia akan mati kelaparan.
Kim Yu Shin melaporkan pada Deok Man tentang kejadian aneh ini. Mengapa harga tiba2 naik yang membuat insiden itu terjadi. Al Cheon dan Bi Dam juga kaget karena orang bisa membunuh karena harga gandum. Kim Yu Shin lapor bahwa beberapa hari ini 1 sak gandum berharga 3 nyangs tapi sekarang naik menjadi 15 nyangs. (nyangs atau Cheol Jeong adalah mata uang Silla)
Deok Man berpikir aneh jika harga tiba2 naik tajam. Bi Dam menawarkan diri untuk mengamati aktivitas para pedagang. Deok Man tanya apa Bi Dam punya kontak atau kenalan, Bi Dam menjawab jika ia tidak punya ia akan cari cara untuk mendapatkan kontak dan mencobanya. Deok Man menyuruh Bi Dam melakukannya. Al Cheon juga akan menyamar dan menyelidiki aktifitas pasar. Deok Man juga akan memeriksanya sendiri.
Deok Man dan So Hwa berpakaian biasa dan So Hwa mencoba membeli jelai tapi penjual itu berkata mereka tidak memilikinya. Lalu itu apa tanya So Hwa, ada banyak stok jelai di tokonya. Tapi ia berkata stok itu sudah terjual. Lalu So Hwa pergi ke penjual lain dan mencoba membeli jelai dalam jumlah kecil, semua menolak menjualnya dan beralasan sudah terjual.
Lalu Deok Man memberi isyarat pada So Hwa untuk menawar dengan harga tinggi. Tapi tetap saja mereka menolaknya. Al Cheon dan resimennya dapat melihat ada sesuatu dibalik pergerakan gandum ini. Deok Man bertanya siapa yang membelinya. Penjual itu berkata apa yang akan ia lakukan kalau ia tahu siapa pembelinya.
Bi Dam mencari Yeom Jong yang tertidur dengan muka ditutup kain. Dia membangunkan Yeom Jong dengan menggedor pintu. Bi Dam mengambil kain dari wajah Yeom jong. Yeom Jong ketakutan melihat Bi Dam. Yeom Jong berkata sejak kejadian malam itu, ia ketakutan dengan kemunculan Bi Dam yang misterius dan minta Bi Dam masuk dengan semestinya.
Bi Dam mencari informasi dari Yeom jong tentang mengapa harga gandum melonjak dan siapa yang memanipulasi harga dan tanya apa jangan2 Yeom Jong dalangnya. Kim Yu shin kembali dan lapor hampir di semua pasar melakukan hal yang sama, mereka memiliki stok tapi menolak menjual dan Deok Man berkata karena semua sudah terjual. Kim Yu Shin membenarkan. Deok Man berkata ia perlu menyelidiki siapa yang membeli dan menahan gandum. Deok Man berkata siapa yang harus melakukan tugas ini dengan rahasia.
Semua saling melihat dan Joo Bang melihat So Hwa, kemudian ia mengangkat tangannya dan dengan senang hati sebagai Dae Nang Du yang baru akan melalukan tugas ini. Deok Man melihat arah pandangan Joo Bang, ia tersenyum dan mengijinkan Joo Bang mengerjakan tugas ini. So Hwa sama sekali tidak tertarik dengan pandangan Joo Bang. Kemudian seorang pedagang memasuki rumah Seol Won Rang dan Joo Bang dan Go Do mengawasinya kemudian Dae Pung dan Guk San Heun berkata kereta yang memuat gandum juga masuk ke rumah Seok Bum. Joo Bang minta mereka tidak memanggilnya dengan resmi. Dae Pung mengoreksi : mereka mengirim gandum ke rumah keluarga bangsawan. Joo Bang berkata mereka harus menyelidiki rumah bangsawan yang lain.
Bo Jong keluar dan memeriksa barang dan tanya apa semua sudah ada disini. Semuanya ada, bukan hanya beras, kacang2an, sorgum, atau biji2an yang lain semua tidak akan ditemukan di pasar. Bo Jong berkata mereka akan membayar dengan besar apapun yang dapat diberikan pedagang itu. Seol Won Rang keluar dan Bo Jong melaporkan bahwa mereka sudah membeli semua persediaan gandum yang ada di pasar. Seol Won minta Bo Jong melakukan sesuai perintahnya. seol Won tanya apa Kim Chun Chu ada di rumah mereka lagi.
Kim Chun Chu mengajak Bo Ryang berbelanja di toko Yeom jong. Yeom Jong menawarkan perhiasan pada Bo Ryang agar dicoba. Bo Ryang minta pendapat Chun Chu dan Chun Chu diam saja, kemudian mengambil perhiasan lain dan Kim chun Chu berkata bahwa hiasan berbentuk bulat tidak cocok dengan bentuk wajah Bo Ryang. Kemudian Chun Chu mengambil perhiasan yang cocok untuk Bo yang dan Bo Ryang senang dengan pilihan Chun Chu. Yeom Jong memuji selera Kim Chun Chu tentang perhiasan karena itu baru saja tiba dari Persia.
Kim Chun Chu berkata Bo Ryang memiliki penampilan langka, jadi ia harus menghindari warna yang mencolok. Kim Chun Chu memberikan beberapa kain untuk Bo Ryang. Bo Ryang berkata jika ia menjahitnya maka ia dapat mengenakannya untuk festival Ga Bae (festival panen)
Kim Chun Chu mengambil dupa harum dan Yeom Jong memuji kejelian Chun Chu. Dupa itu dari keluarga Raja Sui Cina. Kim Chun Chu melihatnya dan berkata produk ini palsu dan Yeom Jong sudah tertipu. Yeom Jong berkata ia sudah mengeluarkan banyak uang untuk membelinya. Kemudian Chun Chu berkata bahwa ada banyak patung Budha yang diambil dari tanah liat dari batu Cheonbulsan karena tanah liat itu bagus untuk diukir, jadi semua keramik dan ukiran dari daerah Cheonbulsan hanya dikirim ke istana Sui di Cina.
Yeom Jong berterima kasih atas pengetahuan yang dibagikan oleh Kim Chun Chu. Chun Chu melihat seseorang dan ia bertanya siapa orang itu. Bo Ryang melihatnya dan berkata ia adalah Do Duk di hasanju (seperti sheriff). Kim Chun Chu tanya apa ia adalah gubernur Hansanju Kim Ik Mun.
Bo Ryang meralat Kim Chun Chu. Kim Ik Mun adalah gubernur Ha Seul Ra Ju dan orang itu hanya bawahan dengan nama Yi Myeong ji. (Tirza: Bo Ryang ini pintar juga, tdk percuma jadi anaknya Bo Jong dan cucunya Seol Won. Kim Chun Chu pintar memilih pasangan he..he, mungkin Chun Chu juga ingin mengorek sesuatu dari Bo Ryang, who knows..)
Kim Chun Chu berkata ia belum pernah mendengar nama itu. Bo Ryang ingat ia pernah menyebut hal ini pada Chun Chu dalam berbagai kesempatan. Yi Myeong Gi berjasa dalam peperangan melawan Baekje dan ia dipromosikan di kementrian pertahanan. Keduanya benar2 memancing Bo Ryang dengan identitas orang2 militer. Yeom Jong berkata Chun Chu tidak bisa mengingat dengan baik. Chun Chu mengeluh ia susah menghafal nama dan wajah. Yeom Jong juga, ia bahkan tidak ingat apa yang ia minum tadi. Seol Won dan Bo Jong melihat Kim Chun Chu dengan Bo Ryang sepertinya cocok. Tapi Seol Won tidak suka dengan cara mereka bercakap-cakap yang cukup berisik.
Seol Won melihat yeom jong dan berkata ia tidak menyukai pedagang itu. Bo Jong berkata Yeom Jong adalah pedagang yang sering mengunjungi Mi Saeng. Bo Jong berkata ia pernah kesini untuk membeli sesuatu. Seol Won mengingatkan Bo Jong agar tidak mengijinkan sembarang orang masuk tanpa diperiksa identitasnya. Bo Jong meyakinkan ayahnya bahwa Mi Saeng mengenal Yeom jong dan ayahnya tidak perlu cemas. Seol Won bertanya apa Kim Chun chu datang ke rumah mereka setiap hari. Bo Jong membenarkan dan ia yakin pasti karena Bo Ryang yang menarik hati Chun Chu. Bo Jong menambahkan bahwa mereka mungkin akan mendengar tentang pernikahan sebentar lagi.
Ha Jong kaget dengan harga yang naik tinggi. Harga kemarin 14 nyang mengapa hari ini 20 nyang. Bahkan kata penjual, sekarang menjadi 22 nyang. Ha Jong membayarnya juga dan minta pedagang itu membeli semua komoditas di pasar. Joo Bang dan Go Do memeriksa kediaman Ha Jong dan mereka melihat Ha Jong menyimpan gandum di gudangnya. Joo Bang berkata kaum bangsawan membeli semua komoditas. Go Do bertanya apa mereka lapar, Joo bang kesal dan memukul kepala Go Do. Ia berkata agar Go Do tidak berpikir dengan perutnya, ia bukan lagi Go Do yang dulu melainkan ia adalah tangan kanan Joo Bang Dae Nang Du, jadi Go Do harus menjadi lebih pintar.
Joo Bang lapor pada Kim yu Shin tapi saat ia melihat So Hwa, ia menjadi lebih serius dan bersikap resmi. Deok Man tanya apa yang ditemukan Joo Bang. Joo Bang berkata bahwa kaum bangsawan membeli dan menimbun gandum dan semua komoditas. Seok Bum, Ha Jong, Seol Won Rang, dan Bo Jong dan semua bangsawan yang lain. Mereka membeli dalam harga yang sangat tinggi.
Deok Man berkata para bangsawan melakukan aktifitas Mae Jeom Mae Seok (menahan komoditas untuk spekulasi dan memanipulasi harga gandum). Joo Bang berkata itu jelas, mereka membeli dengan harga tinggi dan berharap agar harga benar2 meroket karena permintaan tinggi. Kim Yu Shin berkata mereka melakukannya untuk mendapatkan untung yang cepat tanpa mempedulikan penderitaan rakyat. Deok Man berkata ia tahu itu tapi ia masih meragukan sesuatu.
Raja Jinpyeong bertanya apa yang membuat Deok Man ragu-ragu. Deok Man berkata selama pemerintahan Raja Jinheung rakyat juga menderita kelaparan, tapi harga gandum tidak naik, dalam pemerintahan Raja Jinji, juga ada kelaparan tapi harga gandum stabil. Raja Jinpyeong berkata mereka tidak bisa membandingkannya karena dulu tanah sangat subur. Raja merasa ini salahnya bahwa mereka menghadapi kesulitan dan krisis ini. Deok Man berkata ini bukan salah ayahnya, tapi ia curiga dengan spekulasi harga yang dilakukan kaum bangsawan. Raja berkata bukan kejahatan kalau melakukan spekulasi harga pasar. Raja berkata tidak ada kontrol bagaimana para bangsawan menggunakan uang mereka. Raja berkata jika itu terjadi, maka Raja dan bangsawan akan menyumbangkan gandum untuk rakyat.
Raja berkata beberapa waktu lalu, Mi Shil memberikan jumlah yang lebih besar dari keluarga Raja pada rakyat. Itulah yang membuat Deok Man ragu, jika mereka harus menyumbang dengan gratis mengapa mereka membeli dengan harga sangat tinggi apa alasannya. Raja dan Deok Man sama-sama memikirkannya.
Kim Chun Chu menyelinap kembali dan mencari Kim Yu Shin tapi ruangan Kim Yu Shin kosong. Bagaimana Pungwolju dapat meninggalkan ruangannya. Kim Chun Chu duduk dan Kim Yu Shin masuk dan memberi salam. Kim Chun Chu : Kau terlambat! Kim Yu Shin berkata bahwa Deok Man sudah memerintahkan untuk mengganti guru Kim Chun chu. Kim Chun Chu heran dan berkata bahwa Kim Yu Shin tidak cepat beradaptasi dengan orang sepintar dirinya dan tidak sesuai. Kim Chun Chu bertanya siapa yang akan menjadi gurunya. Kim Yu Shin memanggil Bi Dam dan bertanya mengapa ia belum masuk ke ruangan. Bi Dam muncul di depan Kim Chun Chu. Kim Chun Chu hanya bisa melongo.
Bi Dam memberi salam pada Kim Chun Chu sebagai guru barunya. Kim Chun Chu gemetar saat Kim Yu Shin mengenalkan Bi Dam sebagai murid Gukseon Moon Noh dan kapten Hwarang dari resimen Mu Myeong Ji Do. Kim Chun Chu mencoba membujuk Yu Shin untuk menerimanya kembali dan berkata bukankah mereka sudah cocok dan saling menyukai dan Kim Yu Shin masih bisa mengajarinya banyak hal. Bi Dam tersenyum tipis (kalau tidak dibilang nyengir..ha ha). Kim Yu Shin menyerahkan Kim Chun Chu pada Bi Dam dan Bi Dam meyakinkan Yu shin dia akan melakukan yang terbaik dalam pelajaran Kim Chun Chu. Kim Yu Shin pergi dan Kim Chun Chu mencoba menahan Yu Shin.
Bi Dam dengan santai menutup pintu dan tersenyum pada Kim Chun Chu yang ketakutan. Bi Dam menekankan bahwa selama pelajaran ada 3 hal yang harus diperhatikan, tidak ada melipat kertas dari bukunya dan Kim Chun Chu mencatat semuanya. Kim Chun Chu bertanya mengapa Bi Dam tidak berbicara dengan resmi padanya. Bi Dam : Lalu..? Aku bahkan tidak berbicara resmi dengan Putri Deok Man. Bi Dam minta Chun Chu menulis aturan yang ke-5 tapi ia tidak ingat mau omong apa.
Kim Chun Chu bertanya mengenai penyelidikan Putri Deok Man mengenai kenaikan harga komoditas dan bertanya bagaimana perkembangannya. Bi Dam tanya mengapa Chun Chu tidak menyebut Putri Deok Man dengan resmi, bukankah ia bibinya. Chun Chu berkata sama seperti Bi Dam yang biasa saja terhadap Putri. Bi Dam membenarkannya dengan senang. Bi Dam tanya tentang kaum bangsawan yang memanipulasi harga dan mengapa mereka melakukannya. Kim Chun Chu tersenyum.
Deok Man menemui Mi Shil. Mi Shil merasa Deok Man datang tiba-tiba. Deok Man mengaku bahwa ia memperoleh penjelasan terbaik dari Mi Shil. Deok Man berkata keingintahuannya yang membuatnya mencari Mi Shil karena hanya ia yang memiliki jawaban di Seorabeol ini. Deok Man tanya apa Mi shil keberatan dan ia harus pergi? Mi Shil berkata tidak apa-apa dan bertanya apa yang ingin Deok Man ketahui. Deok Man bertanya para bangsawan yang membeli komoditas untuk berspekulasi tetapi jika ada kelaparan, mereka harus menyumbang kepada rakyat dengan gratis. Bukankah mereka seharusnya mendapat untung besar jika harga meroket mengapa mereka membagikan dengan gratis. Mereka bisa menderita kerugian besar. Mi Shil membenarkan praktek itu. Deok Man juga bertanya saat rakyat kelaparan mengapa para bangsawan melakukan spekulasi pasar.
Mi Shil bertanya mengapa rakyat menderita.
Sementara itu Bi Dam menunggu jawaban Kim Chun Chu. Tentu saja untuk mengambil untung kata Chun Chu. Tapi Bi Dam yakin ada alasan lain dan sesuatu mencurigakan yang melihat keuntungan hanya hal kecil tidak akan menjelaskan biaya yang sebesar itu. Bi Dam berhenti karena tidak tahu jawabannya. Chun Chu berkata Bi Dam hanya memikirkan asetnya saja. Jadi ia tidak akan menemukan jawabannya. Bi Dam tanya apa maksud Kim Chun Chu. Kim Chun Chu menghitung jika kebetulan itu hasil bumi, besi atau emas hanya bisa meraih keuntungan.
Deok man berkata bahwa karena spekulasi maka harga melambung, rakyat tidak mampu membeli gandum, jadi mereka tidak dapat bertahan itu yang membuat mereka menderita karena situasi ini. Lalu Mi Shil bertanya apa yang harus dilakukan orang-orang yang menderita itu. Deok Man tidak dapat menjawabnya, Mi Shil menjelaskan bahwa diantara rakyat ada pemilik tanah (tuan tanah) dan pemilik tanah dari tanah yang mereka sewa untuk diusahakan, apa yang akan mereka lakukan. Deok Man memikirkan jawabannya.
Deok Man kembali ke ruangannya dan Kim yu Shin sudah menunggu. Deok man duduk dan mencari informasi dari buku, Yu shin bertanya apa yang ia cari. Deok man menemukannya. Kejadiannya terjadi pada tahun ke-2 pemerintahan Raja Jinji. Kelaparan menimpa seluruh negri kemudian selama 7 bulan tahun berikutnya. Kemudian selama tahun ke-2 Geonbok kemudian diikuti tahun ke-13 dan tahun ke-28. Terjadi kelaparan dan ada peningkatan jumlah lahan dan perbudakan oleh kaum bangsawan. (Tahun Geonbok adalah tahun ke-6 dari Raja Jinpyeong sampai tahun ke-2 Ratu Seondeok, 584-633M )
Kim Yu Shin berkata ini akan membuat pemilik tanah yang kecil dan menengah akan hilang. Deok Man membenarkan. Jika kaum bangsawan menahan gandum maka pemilik tanah yang kecil tidak akan sanggup membayar hutang-hutangnya dan mereka akan kehilangan tanah mereka. Mereka akan menjadi penyewa dan akhirnya akan menjadi budak tuan tanah atau kaum bangsawan. Ini adalah cara kaum bangsawan memperluas wilayah tanah mereka. Yu Shin berkata sejak pemerintahan Raja Jinji, kaum bangsawan selalu menekan pemilik tanah kecil setiap kali terjadi kelaparan untuk meningkatkan kepemilikan tanah mereka. Sehingga mereka mendapatkan pajak dari orang yang bekerja di tanah mereka dan ini menyebabkan penerimaan Keuangan Kerajaan dari pajak menurun.
Jadi kata Deok Man, untuk meraih simpati rakyat, kaum bangsawan akan memberikan gandum secara cuma-cuma. Kim Yu shin tanya bagaimana Deok man menemukan fakta ini, Deok Man berkata sebenarnya Mi Shil yang memimpinnya menemukan kesimpulan ini dan membuatnya mengerti keseluruhan situasi. Kim Yu Shin heran dengan pernyataan Deok MAn.
HA jong dan Se Jong kaget mendengar Deok man menemui Mi Shil. Apa Mi Shil membukakan semuanya pada Deok Man. Mi Shil berkata ia tidak menjawab tapi justru balik bertanya. Mi saeng bertanya bagaimana jika pertanyaan Mi Shil menuntun Deok Man menemukan jawabannya. Mi Shil yakin Deok Man akan menemukan jawabannya tapi apa yang dapat ia lakukan. Ha Jong berkata ia menimbun komoditas dengan uangnya sendiri, tidak ada hukum yang melarang itu. Mi Saeng bertanya apa Mi Shil melakukan ini secara sengaja dan ingin melihat apa yang akan dilakukan Deok man. Mi Shil tersenyum membenarkan.
Kim Yu shin prihatin karena tidak ada yang bisa mereka lakukan dengan hal ini. Mereka juga tidak bisa menghentikan kaum bangsawan untuk tidak menimbun dan membeli barang dari uang mereka sendiri. Deok Man setuju, masalah ini tidak akan diselesaikan dengan hukum. Deok Man menyarankan bahwa mereka akan melawan spekulasi ini dengan manipulasi mereka sendiri dalam perang perdagangan. Deok Man berkata ia tumbuh di tengah perdagangan besar di gurun Taklamakan dan di sana adalah tempat berkumpulnya para pedagang besar dan hebat dari seluruh dunia. Silla mungkin mulai melakukan perdagangannya tapi jika dibandingkan dengan di gurun Taklamakan, ini belum apa-apa. Deok Man akan terjun dalam perang perdagangan komersil.
Deok Man menghadap Raja. Raja berkata tidak ada cara untuk menghentikan kaum bangsawan dari spekulasi dan manipulasi harga. Kim Seo Hyeon berkata mereka tidak bisa melakukannya karena mereka menggunakan uang mereka sendiri. (Tirza: menurutku impor saja..jika supply ada maka price pasti turun..hukum pasar..), Putri Man Myeong berkata ini sudah menjadi tradisi lama. Deok man menyarankan mereka dapat menghentikan kaum bangsawan dengan Keuangan kerajaan. Kim Yong Chu heran, dan Ratu bertanya bagaimana caranya. Deok Man minta Raja menyerahkan masalah ini padanya dan memberinya kekuasaan penuh untuk mengatasi masalah ini tanpa hambatan dalam jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang.
Kim Seo hyeon dan Kim Yong Chu menemui Deok Man dan berkata Deok man pasti akan menghadapi pertentangan besar dengan idenya. Kim Yong Chu mengakui, ia juga menimbun tapi bukan alasan ini maka ia tidak setuju. Tapi antisipasi mengenai protes para bangsawan yang mungkin akan lebih besar dari yang Deok Man bayangkan. Kim seo Hyeon berkata lebih bijak jika membagikan gandum gratis. Deok Man berkata biarpun pembagian gandum akan mengurangi kelaparan tapi orang-orang akan cenderung meninggalkan tanah mereka dan menjadi penyewa lahan dan kemudian akan kehilangan kemandiriannya. Deok Man memohon pada Kim seo Hyeon dan Kim Chun Chu untuk membantunya.
Kim Seo Hyeon berkata bahwa Menteri tidak mungkin terlibat dalam perdagangan komersil dan mereka perlu seseorang yang dapat dipercaya dalam hal ini. Deok Man berkata ia sudah punya orangnya. Bi Dam menemui Yeom Jong lagi dan bertanya apa Yeom jong sudah mendapatkan keuntungan dari bisnisnya akhir-akhir ini. Yeom Jong beralasan bahwa pembantunya tidak membersihkan dengan benar. Yeom Jong bertanya apa Bi Dam itu hantu, langkahnya ringan sekali saat masuk dan minta Bi Dam bersuara jika masuk ke tempatnya. Yeom Jong berkata bisnisnya memburuk akhir-akhir ini.
Bi Dam minta agar Yeom jong melakukan sesuatu dengan sangat rahasia dan minta Yeom Jong mengumpulkan beberapa orang yang cocok dengan misi ini. Bi Dam minta Yeom jong melakukan secepatnya. yeom jong pergi dan menawarkan gandumnya untuk dijual.
Penjual itu senang sekali dan berterima kasih bahwa Yeom Jong dapat menjual gandum karena sulit sekali menemukannya. Pedagang itu tanya darimana Yeom Jong mendapatkan stok ini. Yeom Jong berkata bukan urusan pedagang itu. Yeom Jong menjanjikan akan ada banyak barang yang datang. Pedagang itu senang karena kaum bangsawan akan membayar berapapun harganya. Bi Dam mengawasi dan Yeom jong pergi menjual gandum pada semua pedagang. Pedagang itu membayar gandum Yeom jong dan yeom Jong senang. Ia melewati Bi Dam dan tersenyum padanya karena rencana mereka sukses.
Se Jong dan ha Jong berkata rumor di pasar akan meningkatkan harga menjadi sangat tinggi. Seok bum dan beberapa nangdo datang dan lapor mengenai keanehan di pasar. Ha Jong bertanya apa harganya naik lagi. Para kapten Hwarang itu berkata sebaliknya bahwa ada surplus gandum yang membanjiri pasar. Seok Bum bertanya apa Se Jong mengetahui hal ini. Se Jong heran mendengarnya dan bertanya apa mungkin cadangan kerajaan dikeluarkan. Se Jong heran bagaimana cadangan kerajaan dikeluarkan tanpa sepengetahuannya. Ha Jong berkata bahwa cadangan kerajaan akan dibagikan pada rakyat bagaimana bisa dijual di pasar. Se jong meyakinkan mereka tidak ada yang perlu dikhawatirkan.
Ha Jong melihat bahwa ada surplus komoditas di pasar dan jika mereka tetap membeli dengan harga tinggi maka sekarang harganya berlipat. Ha Jong bertanya apa mereka tetap perlu membeli dengan harga sekarang.
Deok Man bertanya mengenai perkembangannya. Bi Dam berkata mereka sudah mengeluarkan 1000 seom gandum dan akan mengeluarkan 1000 lagi untuk mengantisipasi permintaan. Kim Yu Shin berkata bahwa harga belum stabil hanya dengan mengeluarkan stok. Al Cheon bertanya berapa lama para bangsawan akan meneruskan pembelian mereka. Deok man berkata jika mereka ingin meraup keuntungan mereka harus menghentikan pembeliannya, tapi mereka menginginkan tanah maka mereka akan terus melakukan pembelian dan kemudian mereka akan menyadari bahwa mereka membeli terlalu tinggi.
Kim Yu Shin dipanggil oleh Mi Shil. Ha Jong bertanya apa Putri Deok Man menjual gandum dari cadangan Kerajaan. Sepertinya ada surplus gandum di pasar. Kim Yu Shin memberikan jawaban langsung, sejak harga tidak stabil maka ini akan sangat menguntungkan keuangan kerajaan. Mi Shil dan kelompoknya shock dengan berita ini. Seol Won menegaskan bahwa Keluarga Kerajaan menggunakan kesempatan ini untuk mengambil keuntungan dengan menjual cadangan di pasar. Seol won berkata ini benar2 omong kosong.
Seok Bum kaget bahwa Deok Man menjual gandum dari Cadangan Kerajaan dan ada rumor bahwa Deok man mungkin akan menjual semuanya. Seok Bum berkata jika seperti ini, maka harganya akan tiba-tiba jatuh. (jelas..hukum pasar man..). Para kapten Hwarang yang lain mulai panik dan berkata mereka harus melepaskan gandum mereka agar mereka masih memiliki kesempatan memperoleh keuntungan. Yang lainnya berkata jika mereka memaksa melepas maka harga akan benar2 turun (Tirza: terjun bebas..andai aku punya posisi sell di harga tinggi wow..untung besar). Beberapa setuju bahwa mereka harus tahan, tapi jika mereka menahan maka mereka akan rugi besar (ha..ha bisa kena margin call, lalu heart attack..). Seok Bum berkata mereka akan bertahan dengan situasi ini karena mereka kaya, tapi untuk Seok bum akan menjadi bencana jika harga gandum turun karena ia perlu memperoleh tanahnya. Para kapten hwarang menyadari bahwa mereka harus menahan gandum diatas limit mereka untuk mendapatkan tanah tapi kemudian jiak mereka ragu-ragu mereka akan rugi lebih banyak. Para kapten Hwarang memutuskan untuk menjual untuk mengurangi kerugian.
Kim Yu Shin berkata bahwa kaum bangsawan mulai menjual persediaan mereka. Al Cheon berkata bahwa harga mulai turun. Deok Man berkata ini bagus dan minta Bi Dam membantu Kim Seo Hyeon untuk melakukan rencana mereka selanjutnya. Deok Man akan memainkan peranannya. Deok Man mengadakan pertemuan dan berkata ia bertindak atas nama Raja Jinpyeong mengenai masalah cadangan kerajaan dan minta para bangsawan mengeluarkan pendapatnya atas masalah ini. Se Jong bertanya apa mungkin Deok Man membuka cadangan kerajaan. Deok man membenarkannya. Ha Jong berkata Deok Man tidak membagikannya pada rakyat tapi justru menjualnya di pasar untuk keuntungan. Mi Shil bertanya bahwa dengan harga yang sangat tinggi, Deok Man menjual gandum ke pasar bebas dia kecewa dengan Deok Man dan berkata Deok Man terlalu merendahkan perhitungannya. Seol Won bertanya bagaimana keluarga raja menggunakan kesejahteraan rakyat untuk mencari keuntungan moneter. Se Jong berkata bahwa ini benar2 tidak jelas dan Deok MAn menggunakan bantuan gandum untuk rakyat selama masa kelaparan untuk keuntungan dan perdagangan.
Deok Man berkata bahwa ia punya alternatif lain untuk membeli kembali semua yang sudah ia jual. Mi Shil heran. Seok Bum menjual gandumnya. Pedagang berkata ia tidak dapat menerima dengan harga yang dulu, sekarang harga sudah turun. Pedagang memperlihatkan stoknya yang melimpah. Para kapten Hwarang menanyakan harga gandum dan yang dulu seharga 25 nyang sekarang menjadi 15 nyang. Itu juga sudah bagus sekali. Mereka benar2 shock, mereka membeli dengan harga 20 nyang dari orang yang sama hanya beberapa waktu lalu dan sekarang hanya 15 nyang. Kim Yu Shin dan Al Cheon mengamati kapten Hwarang itu.
Deok Man mengatakan pada mereka inilah prinsip dari perdagangan komersil itu. Keluarga Raja menjual cadangan gandum di saat harga tinggi tapi saat harga jatuh, mereka akan membelinya kembali dengan harga yang jauh lebih murah dan akan meraup keuntungan dari perdagangan pembelian dan penjualan ini. (Tirza: Sell high Buy Low...make money ha..ha). Karena ada banyak persediaan dan Mi Shil menambahkan bahwa harga sudah pasti turun dan pasar akan stabil. Mi Shil bertanya jika pembeli menolak menjual gandumnya dan bersatu apa yang akan Deok Man lakukan.
Deok Man yakin mereka tidak akan sanggup menahan stok gandum mereka lebih lama lagi. Deok Man berencana akan mengeluarkan semua cadangan kerajaan ke pasar dan bahkan cadangan militer akan dilepaskan ke pasar dan berkata Kim Seo hyeon sudah melakukannya saat mereka berbicara. Se Jong berkata bagaimana mereka dapat menjual cadangan militer dan itu omong kosong. Mi Shil berkata karena harga terus melambung, Deok Man mengambil keuntungan untuk menjual semua cadangan kerajaan dan militer dan bertanya apa Deok Man akan benar2 percaya bahwa ini akan menyelesaikan masalah. Seol Won berkata tak seorangpun pernah melakukan kesalahan seperti ini.
Deok Man bertanya apa kelangkaan stok palsu ini dibuat untuk fluktuasi harga di pasar atau itu adalah taktik para bangsawan mendapatkan kepemilikan tanah dari pemilik tanah yang kecil untuk memaksa mereka berakhir. Deok Man berkata dia tidak mengambil keuntungan dari rakyatnya tapi ia berdagang dengan biaya dari kaum bangsawan seluruhnya. Seol Won Rang bertanya apa cadangan militer yang berguna untuk keamanan nasional digunakan untuk perdagangan dan apa Deok Man akan sanggup mengambil tanggungjawab untuk masalah ini jika seandainya Baekje datang menyerang mereka saat ini. Deok Man berkata sebenarnya ia mungkin atau juga tidak menjual cadangan militer. Mi Shil heran dengan jawaban Deok Man.
Deok Man hanya berkata ia akan melakukannya. Ha Jong berkata ini hanya pengumuman. Deok Man bertanya mengapa harga gandum naik, alasannya adalah bukan karena kurang pasokan tapi karena spekulasi yang membuat ketakutan sehingga rakyat berlomba membeli lebih, ini adalah salah satu prinsipnya bahwa tanpa benar2 menjual cadangan militer tapi hanya menyebutkannya saja, sudah membuat orang menjual menjual cadangan gandumnya dan akhirnya harga akan turun drastis. Mi Shil berkata jika kaum bangsawan menolak menjual cadangannya, harga tidak akan turun. Deok Man meragukan bahwa mereka akan sanggup menahannya dan bertahan dengan godaan untuk tidak menjual. Deok Man bertanya-tanya apa orang yang menahan gandum dengan harga tinggi akan dapat menahannya.
Synopsis/summary of The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 38
Someone throwing one of the origami ball as Bi Dam enters & gets hit by an origami ball to see Kim Chun Chu wearing the earring then he sees a table full of origami ball made out of the pages of Moon Noh’s books. Bi Dam in disbelief goes to discards his dagger & went directly to draw his sword towards Kim Chun Chu who shields his face with the pages of Moon Noh’s book as Bi Dam stop short. Kim Chun Chu brings down the paper & asked whether does this pages belongs to Bi Dam as Bi Dam force his blade onto Kim Chun Chu’s neck & Kim Chun Chu smiles at him & asked who he is. Bi Dam then sees the table full of make shift origami balls then puff of his temper & he asked Kim Chun Chu how old he is that he is not using honourific speech to asked him such a casual question on who Bi Dam really is. Bi Dam swings his sword & stab it onto the table.
Bi Dam grabs Kim Chun Chu to the bed where Kim Chun Chu pleads him to wait a moment as Bi Dam covers Kim Chun Chu with the cover of the sheet to batter him with a truncheon
This is a form of punishment where the person get seriously hurt by the impact without any evidence of marking of beating & bruising. It is like beating the chest of a person with a thick phone directory in between where bruising is not able to detect
Bi Dam asked Kim Chun Chu to owe up in his daring that Kim Chun Chu has makes mockery out of Moon Noh’s books as he beat the living daylight out of Kim Chun Chu. Yeom Jong calls out to Kim Chun Chu & tries to stop Bi Dam from whacking Kim Chun Chu as Bi Dam quickly silence Yeom Jong with another jab to Yeom Jong’s solar plexus or the celiac plexus between the chest & the abdomen again as he collapse
Body tends to have certain weak points or pressure points & that when you strike accurately, it may cause paralysis to the person. Bi Dam strikes the solar plexus. It just located just beneath the sternum in the middle of the torso. Just press the point where the hard chest wall suddenly becomes soft and mushy. You will notice your breath being forced out of you. This pressure point is valuable for self defense. One blow there will incapacitate an opponent. It is also believe that by applying pressure to it can be a relief for hiccups.
Kim Chun Chu has to undo his origami & reconstruct the book back to its state of origin, under the watchful eyes of Bi Dam. Bi Dam asked for the identity of Kim Chun Chu as Yeom Jong gets up to tries to explain where B Dam raises his feet to asked him to return to his former position if he doesn’t wish to seek a quick death. Yeom Jong returns back to his kneeling position. Kim Chun Chu already suffering nose bleed & has a plug for his bleeding smiles at Bi Dam who return his smiles & tells him to do his job properly. Bi Dam takes Yeom Jong outside for private discuss to repeats his question to ask who is Kim Chun Chu where Yeom Jong tells that he is Kim Chun Chu as Bi Dam asked who may he be then. Yeom Jong tell that he is Princess Cheon Myeong’s son. Bi Dam can’t believe that Kim Chun Chu that buffoon idiot is a Royalty. Yeom Jong can’t judge whether Kim Chun Chu is a ludicrous figure but he is most certain that he is from the Silla Royal Household. Yeom Jong said if King Jinji wasn’t deposed & disqualify him from being a Seonggol. Bi Dam show Yeom Jong his blade of his sword to asked whether he is expected to believe that Kim Chun Chu was the person who instigate a plan to assassinate his teacher Moon Noh for his topographic books of the Maps of the 3 kingdoms
Yeom Jong said that Bi Dam is mistaken, Kim Chun Chu has no knowledge of the matter, Yeom Jong just passes the books to Kim Chun Chu for some discussion. Bi Dam asked what is the reason as Yeom Jong said that he doesn’t share the belief with Moon Noh. Yeom Jong said that the true proprietor to the book is not Kim Yu Shin but the boy who is in there. Bi Dam return to finds Kim Chun Chu fast asleep & wakes his up. Kim Chun Chu gets up & tells that he just need a short nap. Bi Dam takes the unfolded pages off Kim Chun Chu’s pile as Yeom Jong apologise to Kim Chun Chu. Bi Dam just call Kim Chun Chu “Hey” as Yeom Jong reminds Bi Dam on his royal status but Bi Dam takes no heed in his status 7 asked Yeom Jong to shut up if he doesn’t want death upon him. Bi Dam calls out to Kim Chun Chu as Hey & asked how he is supposed to possibly put back this mess in proper order again. Kim Chun Chu tells that the pile of sheets should be in its proper order. Bi Dam is surprise as he looks through the sheets then asked whether Kim Chun Chu memorise the order of the pages. Bi Dam realise that Kim Chun Chu has a talent of having a photographic memory as he sees Kim Chun Chu arranging the sheet to its proper order
The books are in order as Bi Dam gains back the books & draw the sword to Yeom Jong. Bi Dam said that he has retrieve his book that is rightful is & all what is left for him to do is to kill Yeom Jong to tied up the loose ends. Yeom Jong let out a laugh to asked that how could this be fair as Bi Dam asked him to wipe out that smirk smiles of his face but Yeom Jong continues as Bi Dam is agitate by Yeom Jong’s irritating laugh from the beginning & waves his blade & said let them give it a try to see Yeom Jong whether he will able to still laugh without his head slice off from his neck. As he is about to strike, Yeom Jong pleads that he can’t do this to him as they are conspirators in this together. Bi dam can’t understand why they are conspirators. Yeom Jong explains that Moon Noh can’t just died because of a mere poisonous dart that he couldn’t avoid, this is because that he was engage in a ferocious battle with his student that he why he couldn’t avoid the dart & dies. Yeom Jong then goes to dare Bi Dam to strike him down then kills himself as he too was a contributed factor to Moon Noh’s death. Yeom Jong asked Bi Dam to spare his life as they both can together survive
Bi Dam then goes to vent his anger at Yeom Jong by kicking him to the ground. Bi Dam then asked Yeom Jing to give him 3 reasons why he should spare Yeom Jong’s life. Yeom Jong said that there is something that Bi dam needs to know & understand that the topographic maps of the 3 kingdoms doesn’t belong to Moon Noh. Yeom Jong said that it belongs to him & Moon Noh. Yeom Jong question where did Moon Noh gets his financial funding for his travel to Goguryeo, Baekje & Sui China for the past years. Who do you think that the financier was. Did Moon Noh did this all by himself, it was through Yeom Jong’s business associate & networking that makes it possible to assist Moon Noh in his endeavour by providing material assistance & backing & therefore it is also rightful his as well.
Bi Dam asked for the next reason. Yeom Jong said that Moon Noh wanted to entrust the book to someone by the name of Kim Yu Shin & he was really upset it was someone he never heard of. He was really mad with upset. Bi Dam demands for the 3rd reason as he prepare to strike Yeom Jong down. Yeom Jong said that he has a network of spies across the 3 kingdom, if he dies then this network will be largely severed but he can help to utilise this network for Bi Dam’s benefits. Bi Dam asked why he wants to do this. Yeom Jong invites Bi Dam to create to make a King together that people like Bi Dam has him has every right to qualify to nominate someone to be a King. Yeom Jong tells Bi Dam that buffoon inside there even Mi Shil has set her eyes on him. It is no doubt that his path to the being a Sovereign is most certain in its route
Bi Dam relent as Yeom Jong also knew that Moon Noh was about to give what Bi Dam always thought that it was meant for him but Moon Noh rather passes it to someone like Kim Yu Shin that lead Bi Dam to fight with his teacher on differences, so Yeom Jong tells that Bi Dam should know how he felt at that moment. Bi Dam in his anger makes a cut at Yeom Jong’s face as Yeom Jong scream in pain. Bi Dam reminds him that each time that cut give him the throbbing pain whenever he look himself at the mirror let it make know & pledge to himself that if he ever crosses Bi Dam, he will surely dies. If he runs, he will die. Bi Dam said that they will go & create the King together & bring him to the throne but it will not be that buffoon child Kim Chun Chu that is inside. Bi Dam takes the books as Yeom Jong wails at his disfigure face. Bi Dam thinks to himself that Mi Shil support Kim Chun Chu that is a buffoon & asked what is his mother is trying to scheme with this by thinking of this
Kim Yu Shin reads the proclamation to promote cadre Jook Bang & Seo Ji of Yonghwa Hyangdo as Dae Nang Du
Dae Nang Du is the 6th official ranked of Nangdu, the middle rank of Hwa Rang’s 3 ranking system classes that is Hwarang, Nangdu & Nangdo then Yang Gil of Bi Cheon Ji Do as Dae Do
Dae Do is the Highest rank amongst the cadre the sort of equivalent of the Warrant officer of the Nangdo ranking cadre (sort of a non commissioned officer rank)
Then Wyol Ya is elected as So Gam who will assist Al Cheon
So Gam is the 8th ranked Military instructor
Wyol Ya acknowledge Kim Yu Shin order as Pungwolju. Kim Yu Shin said from now then there are designate as Royal Imperial Guards & they will lead in frontline of the Royal Imperial Guards’ regiment as Kim Yu Shin said he will reorganise the ranks of the Royal Imperial guards. Kim Yu Shin tells Wyol Ya that he will be assigned to protect the Royal Household & fulfil his designation given as Kim Yu Shin has the responsibilities to Wyol Ya. Wyol Ya calls Yonghwa Hyangdo cadre to come follow him after his instructions
Seok Bum is giving information to chil Sook on Wyol Ya being a son of one of Manno Fortress’s chieftain & it is then when Kim Seo Hyeon was still Governor of Manno County & Wyol Ya must have attract his attention & took him in as a adopted son to his household. Chil Sook tells that they have lose men during the recent wars, so Mi Shil has give her approval & consent to bring in new blood to their faction. Seok Bum asked whether Chil Sook is concern over Kim Yu Shin that he might be planning some scheme. San Tak assures Chil Sook that Chil Sook need not worry that he will keep a close watch on the activities of the Nang Do. Chil Sook tells no matter what, both of them needs to always report the activities on the Hwa rang & Nang Do back to Chil Sook as both of them affirms. Chil Sook asked about Bi Dam. Seok Bum said that Bi Dam still doesn’t have cadres under his corps & no other strange activities on his part. Chil Sook leave it as fine & he understands
Deok Man speaks to Kim Yong Chu to asked even though King Jinheung has extended the expansion of Silla’s territory, why are we still facing the shortage of crops for food. Kim Yong Chu explains that they might had gain in masses of lands but half of which is unable to cultivate due to the unfertile soil that leave them inadequate & insufficient farm land to cultivate for food. Deok Man ponder on the unfertile soil as Kim Yong Chu further explains that the soil once cultivate for the years, the next years will not deem suitable to re-cultivate on that soil as it will be unfertile & it is useless to plant any agriculture. Deok Man asked if there is any other industry that able to use in those barren lands. Kim Yong Chu shakes his head.
Deok Man tours the iron refinery as Deok Man recalls Abbot Wyol Cheon about the knowledge finery forge of having to utilise the metallic properties of iron making industry in order to produce better iron by producing wrought iron from cast iron, although they has made significant improvement to better the iron cast or pig iron during King Jinheung’s reign that when it comes to weapon technology, they are the best but technology needs to be improve to stay at the crème. Deok Man asked whether the farming tools uses the same kind of iron or it is different from weapon. Abbot Wyol Cheon confirm that there is a difference as the properties in farming tool are not as strong as the weapons so it makes it hard to cultivate the soil
Kim Yu Shin sees Deok Man is such deep thought & asked what is she so deeply engross in thoughts. Deok Man turns around to say that she is waiting for Kim Yu Shin’s reprimand & surprise Kim Yu Shin with her remark. Deok Man if it is possible that they melt all the iron from the weapon to make farming tools. Kim Yu Shin directly gave a straight disapprove on that intention & idea as Al Cheon tells that Kim Yu Shin is too quick with his answer. Kim Yu Shin asked how would he replied to her question. Kim Yu Shin asked Deok Man to think of alternative to find a solution to that discrepancy without any compromise to the weapon production. Kim Yu Shin excuse himself as he needs to attend to Kim Chun Chu training session. Kim Yu Shin bow & leaves. Al Cheon query over Kim Yu Shin being direct as Deok Man look at the refinery again & ponders
Joo Bang & the rest of the Yonghwa Hyangdo sneaks out as they are concern about their secret outing as they really permit to be on the street market Dae Pung tells that Wyol Ya has order them to gather at the Hour of Mi
Mi Si is the hour of the Ram that is about 1 to 3pm
Joo Bang reprimand them for showing so little courage. Jo Bang asked what auspicious day is today as Joo Bang makes it to become the position of Dae Nang Du, do they need to train in an auspicious day like this. Go Do concurs with the idea that Wyol Ya himself is also promote to higher ranks so Wyol Ya will not reprimand them. Joo Bang repeats what auspicious day is today as the three chorus that it is Dae Nang Du. Joo Bang invites them for a treat to all out drinking bout & makes their way to the tavern
Then a customer arguing with a merchant on the price of commodity that just a few days ago he could get 10 bale of cloth for 5 dwe of grain for barter
Dwe is a measurement of dry commodity measurement about the weight of 400g similar to bushel & peck although peck is equal to 2 gallon
As the customer tells how the prices has sky rocket over their barter. The crowd gather as Joo Bang & the other Yonghwa Hyangdo cadre looks on at the distress customer. Merchant tell that he is having a hard time at business due to the raising prices of the grains & he has no control over the price fluctuation that there is an ongoing famine & supplies has decrease. The customer show the storage & asked what is the commodity doing there is his storage that he doesn’t wish to trade. The merchant tells that the commodity over there is already been sold as the customer begs to spare him some grain as his family is starving & they will die if they don’t eat. The merchant refuse to hear the customer begging pleas & pushes him onto the ground to say that this is his problem & is none of his concern
Go Do asked whether it is a quarrel & Dae Pung wonder that if indeed that the price of grain is so expensive to be reckon. Guk San Heun tells that his own mother is also concern over the recent price hike in grain has rocketed in recent days. Joo Bang asked them to leave as he can’t bear to see this sad dispute going on as they have another agenda to attend to. As the leave suddenly the customer hacks the merchant to death as Joo Bang goes to report.
Kim Yu Shin training Kim Chun Chu as Kim Yu Shin tells Kim Chun Chu to shouts the stroke. Kim Chun Chu replies that he is doing the counting in his mind. Kim Yu Shin said that Kim Chun Chu needs to shout it out loud to stay in focus of concentration. Kim Chun Chu contradict Kim Yu Shin method of training with his arguments that does he needs to be so noisy to stay focus or can’t there be other alternative method to stay focus that is otherwise. Kim Yu Shin has to keep his patience with Kim Chun Chu when Joo Bang & Go Do runs in to tell there is trouble at the street market. Kim Chun Chu notice Joo Bang & avoids contact. Kim Yu Shin asked what is the matter as Go Do tells that there is killing in the Dong Shi street market, someone was kill. Kim Yu Shin asked who & why but Joo bang just asked Kim Yu Shin to come to the scene of the incident quickly
Kim Yu Shin want to asked to be excuse but Kim Chun Chu has now disappear out of sight as Kim Yu Shin goes with Joo Bang. Dae Nam Bo waits for Kim Chun Chu as he sneaks out from training. Kim Chun Chu asked Dae Nam Bo to get out of here quickly or else Kim Yu Shin will go searching for him immediately. As Kim Chun Chu about to leave, he notice Bi Dam coming & hides from him. Dae Nam Bo asked what is the matter as Kim Chun Chu said that Bi Dam is an intimidate character
Kim Yu Shin arrives at the scene of the incident to find that the customer is holding a child hostage at the merchant store with an assault weapon & threaten to kill anyone who dares to come close. Bo Jong brief Kim Yu Shin on the happenings. Seok Bum & Bo Jong makes their move to gain the customer attention of focus but the customer now a hostage taker has the child in his embrace & threaten to hack her to death with the axe that he had kill the merchant with. Meanwhile Kim Yu Shin slip away & uses one of the shop bamboo beams to take him down as Dae Pung & Guk San Heun ties the hostage taker up
In the investigation where Kim Seo Hyeon conduct & presiding over the inquiries, the hostage taker & Joo Bang gave their side of the testimonial argument on what has happened that the killed merchant refuse to sell him the grain for the agree barter that hostage taker couldn’t control his temper during the argument & hack the merchant to death with the axe. Kim Seo Hyeon asked whether the witness testimonial is true as the hostage taker confirm that it is correct that he kill the merchant out of anger rage but the hostage taker tells that the merchant deserve to die as the merchant agree to barter 10 bale of cloth for 5 dwe of grain then start to decrease his measurement of the grain each time then refuse to sell me anymore grain. His farming land already dry out due to unfertile soil & now it is just weeds, he has nothing else to fee his family & they are starving. The hostage taker pleads to take his life as there is no differences as they will eventually dies of starvation
Kim Yu Shin reports to Deok Man about the strange happening about price hike in grain that led to an incident at the Dong Shi. Al Cheon & Bi Dam is surprise that people kill over the price of grain. Kim Yu Shin reports that in recent days the same seom is sold for 3 nyangs yet it is now hike up at 15 nyangs
Seom is a measurement about the weight of 47 gallons (similar to the measurement of a sack. Coffee sack is about 60 kilos)
Cheol Jeong is Silla coinage system as currency. It is about one Cheol Jeong is about similar to nyang. But most trader barter with the currency of bags of grain & bales of cloths as a main media of exchange. Chinese coinage was use as trading currency
Deok Man thinks that this is too much that the price to hike up to 15 nyang in which Kim Yu Shin finds it strange & perturb. Bi Dam offers to observe the movement of the merchant activities. Deok Man asked whether he has any contact or acquaintance as Bi Dam replies if he doesn’t have any he will always will find some introduction acquaintances & give this a try. Deok Man consent for Bi Dam to take up the task. Al Cheon will go incognito to the street market to observe the activities. Deok Man said that to let me do this together as she needs to look at it 1st hand herself.
Deok Man & So Hwa dress in commoner as So Hwa goes to ask to buy some barley as the vendor tells them that they don’t have any to sell. So Hwa asked that the barley is display in the shop but the vendor said that he already sold his stock. Then So Hwa goes to other street vendor trying to buy some barley even for a small amount & yet they refuse to sell her the barley & gave the excuse that they has been sold to someone
Then Deok Man give So Hwa a nods for So Hwa to sell the barley for 3 Nyang (taels) of gold sycees
Nyang is the Chinese equivalent of Liang in which is taels. In the far east taels are using the measurement of their silver & gold currencies. Traditional Chinese silver & gold sycees & other currencies of fine metals were not mark in denomination but rather made by a central mint and their value was determined by their weight in taels.
The vendor even refuse to sell the barley to So Hwa for 3 nyang of gold sycees that he doesn’t have any to sell as the grain in his stall has all been purchased. Al Cheon & his cadre can see having traffic of grain movement. Deok Man asked for the identity of the purchaser as they vendor asked what can she learn from it if she knew who he is
Bi Dam goes to see the snoozing Yeom Jong with a hot towel covering his face as a facial mask as he wakes up from the bang of the door & asked what is it that he wants not knowing that it is Bi Dam who has enter. Bi Dam takes his hot towel off Yeom Jong’s face then Yeom Jong opens his eyes & gets a great fright seeing Bi Dam in the room that scare the living daylight out of him. Yeom Jing has to recover from his fright & tell Bi Dam since they last met, he has grown rather frightful of his mysterious appearance in his entree & asked Bi Dam to enter in such a manner
Bi Dam comes to Yeom Jong for some information as Yeom Jong asked what may that be. Bi Dam enquire on the current index of the grain prices now on market & asking who is manipulating the prices now & asked whether Yeom Jong is the perpetrator. Kim Yu Shin comes back to report that the Seo Si street market is having the same experience that the vendor has grain in their store but they refuse to sell their goods & Deok Man can predict the excuse given that they are all been purchase. Kim Yu Shin confirm it. Deok Man said she needs to investigate who is purchasing the grain & hoarding the grain. Deok Man said that the need to put a lead on the matter & asked who will be best suited to take this task to do under a counter intelligence & surveillance in this clandestinely operation.
Everybody looks at everybody as Joo Bang sees So Hwa he gladly raises his hand to volunteer for the job as the newly appointed Dae Nang Du, he will definitely fulfilled the task with utmost effort as Joo Bang stare at So Hwa making a solemn pledge. Deok Man looks at Joo Bang eye level direction & smiles & permit to carry on with the matter. So Hwa on the other hands is not amused at Joo Bang’s stares. Then a merchant sending the good to a house entrance Seol Won Rang’s house as Joo Bang & Go Do observe the activities then Dae Pung & Guk San Heun comes back with report of another grain cart has been send to Seok Bum’s household. Joo Bang reprimand them for not calling him by rank & has to correct themselves after being reminded by Go Do. Dae Pung said that they are sending the grain to all the nobles families. Joo Bang said they shall begin with another noble household & leaves.
Bo Jong comes out to inspect the goods & asked if that it all there is. The merchant tells that don’t it goes without saying that not only rice, millet, beans, sorghums or other grain commodity are nowhere to be found in the street market. Bo Jong tells the merchant, no matter how it may be, they will pay generously with whatever the merchant can get that is available & they can be rest assure with the pricing. Seol Won Rang comes out as the merchant ask his staff to move the grain into the storehouse. Bo Jong inform his father that they has purchase all the grain stock available in the market. Seol Won Rang tell his son to do as he wish. Seol Won Rang asked that Kim Chun Chu is in their residence again.
Kim Chun Chu takes Bo Ryang out to shop in Yeom Jong’s store as Yeom Jong advertise his jewellery wares to Bo Ryang to give it a try. Bo Ryan asked Kim Chun Chu for suggestion & comment but he kept quiet then picks another piece & asked for comment where Kim Chun Chu bluntly tell her the round ornament doesn’t suit her visage shape. Then Kim Chun Chu picks a piece that may suit her as Bo Ryang gladly takes his pick. Yeom Jong praise Kim Chun Chu eye for things as the ornament just arrive from Pa Sa Guk
Pasa is the ancient Korean pronunciation for Persia, it is derive from the Chinese pronunciation Bo Si
Kim Chun Chu tells Bo Ryang that she has distinct features, so she needs to avoid resplendent & saturated tints & colour. Kim Chun Chu pass Bo Ryang some yard of cloth that he chose. Bo Ryang said that if she hasten the needlework then she could wear this for Ga Bae
Ga Bae is the Harvest Moon festival.
Kim Chun Chu takes an incense burner where Yeom Jong said that Kim Chun Chu has remarkable taste in things that it is said to be from the Sui China Imperial household. Kim Chun Chu looking at it said that it is a forgery & that Yeom Jong got cheated. Yeom Jong said it cost him a large sum of money for that burner. Then Kim Chun Chu tells that there are many Buddhist relic figurines being mould out of the terracotta clay from the Cheonbulsan rock face because the clay are suitable for sculpting the figurines, so the ceramics & sculpture from terracotta clay from region of Cheonbulsan are only send to the imperial palaces of Sui China
Terracotta or in Latin means baked earth derive from the Latin terra cocta is a clay based unglazed ceramic. Its uses include vessels, water and waste water pipes and surface embellishment in building construction, along with sculpture such as the famous Emperor Qin Shun Huang’s Terracotta Army or the Greek terracotta figurines. The term is also used to refer to items made out of this material and to its natural, brownish orange color, which varies considerably. In archaeology & history, “terracotta” is often termed to used of objects not made on a potter’s wheel such as figurines, where objects made on the wheel from the same material, possibly even by the same person, are called pottery; the choice of term depending on the type of object rather than the material. Plain unglazed pottery is often also called terracotta.
Yeom Jong thanked for the knowledge given by Kim Chun Chu that he is so well verse. Kim Chun Chu notice someone & asked who he is. Bo Ryang looks at the man & tells that he is Hasanju’s Do Duk. Kim Chun Chu asked whether he was the provincial governor of Hansanju by the name of Kim Ik Mun
Hansanju is the Silla’s given name for district which included the Hwanghae, Gyeonggi and Chungcheong provinces
Do Duk is the rank of Chieftain
Bo Ryang correct Kim Chun Chu that Kim Ik Mun is the provincial governor of Ha Seul Ra Ju Province while that man is just rank Yi Chan by the name of Yi Myeong Ji.
Ha Seul Ra Ju Province is Silla given name for the land that Silla conquered from Goguryeo that extends from Uljin to Gangneung
Yi Chan is a low ranking courtier
Kim Chun Chu said that he has never heard of that name but Bo Ryang seem to have recall that she has mentioned the name on few occasion. Yi Myeong Gi was in the war campaign when Baekje force attack Gajam Fortress that for his merit in service he was promoted to the Ministry of Military Affairs. Kim Chun Chu & Yeom Jong actually gathering military intelligent information from Bo Ryang who doesn’t detect their intention & tells Kim Chun Chu is useless with names & faces. Kim Chun Chu confirm that he is lacking in that part of a talent recognising faces & names. Yeom Jong concurs that he is the same that he can’t even remember what drink he drank at the tavern yesterday & that he doesn’t know what side dishes was serve to him in yesterday’s meal. Seol Won Rang & Bo Jong seeing Kim Chun Chu with Bo Ryang having a nice time. Kim Chun Chu having a fine time as Seol Won Rang shows his displeasure with the loud chatting
Seol Won Rang enquires from about the merchant Yeom Jong that is with Kim Chun Chu. Seol Won Rang doesn’t have a good impression on the merchant. Bo Jong tells that Yeom Jong is one of the frequent merchant that visit Mi Saeng’s gambling establishment. Bo Jong said that he has been here for a few trading deals. Seol Won Rang reminds that Bo Jong must not permit entry of the suspicious people’s background without prior checks. Bo Jong assures his father that Mi Saeng knows Yeom Jong very well, so he wasn’t that all concern about Yeom Jong. Seol Won Rang asked that Kim Chun Chu is practically coming to their residence everyday as Bo Jong confirm that it must be because of Bo Ryang has found a place in Kim Chun Chu’s heart. Bo Jong adds that they may be hearing of marital arrangement soon
Ha Jong gets a shock that it is now price at 20 nyang a sack that the price was 14 nyang a few days ago. The merchant tells that the current price is now 22 nyang a sack if he go around the market for a price. Ha Jong then said that the price hike doesn’t concern him the least then pays the grateful merchant & tells the merchant to persist in buying all the grain commodity he can find on the market as the merchant gladly obey his request. Joo Bang & Go Do observing over the wall of Ha Jong’s household on his hoarding activities as they sees Ha Jong stocking the grain in his storehouse. Go Do said that Ha Jong too is hording the grain by purchasing the grain. Joo Bang said that the nobility is buying up the commodity. Go Do asked why are they buying up all commodity & what is the purpose of doing so. Go do said that they must be really hungry. Joo Bang hits GO Do on the head to tell him not to think of his own stomach, he is no longer Go Do of old but the right hand man of Joo Bang the Dae Nang Du & should act that is befitting. Go Do then return to say that seeing all those grains delights him. Joo Bang hits Go Do for not changing his ways
Joo bang goes to report to Kim Yu Shin but then when he finds So Hwa is in presence put on more of a serious front & become so official as he gives his report from his findings. Deok Man asked what is his finding. Joo Bang when out with his official language but Kim Yu Shin is too impatient for Joo bang round the bush report & asked him to directly tell them. So Hwa smiles as Joo Bang inform that the merchant are true with what they has said that the grain was indeed purchase by people. Deok Man wants to know where & to whom that the grain was sold to. Joo bang tells that Seok Bu, Seol Won Rang, Ha Jong & Sejong with other nobility of this Lord & that Lord has a hand in the procurement activities of the grains & they are purchasing it at the price hike
Deok Man tells that the nobility is engage in Mae Jeom Mae Seok activities
Mae Jeom mae Seok is hoarding the commodity to speculate & manipulate the grain commodity price.
Deok Man asked why do the nobility still wish to buy the grain at such a high price. Joo bang said that it is obvious that they anticipate that the price will sky rocket with demand. Kim Yu Shin said they are using this incident to make a fast profit at the expenses of the citizen’s grievances. Deok Man said that she is fully aware of that fact but then there is something that she is still concern about in doubt that she can’t find comprehensive.
King Jinpyeong asked what is keeping Deok Man in doubt. Deok Man said that during King Jinheung’s reign the people also experience famine with nothing to harvest but the prices of grain didn’t inflated to what it is currently then even in her research during King Jinji’s reign famine happen most frequently & yet it didn’t happened. King Jinpyeong said that they can’t make comparison to the period of King Jinheung’s reign as back then the land was bountiful to cultivate. People migration to the newly conquered lands & cultivate the lands & there was exemption from levy & taxes & there were many self sufficient farmer but now it is not the case & partly it is because of King Jinpyeong felt that it is his fault that they are facing with this crisis. Deok Man assures her father that it is not so, but she is just curious of the manipulation & speculation of commodity by the nobility in hoarding. King Jinpyeong reminds that it is not seen as a crime to speculate the market price. King Jinpyeong said there is no control over how the nobility uses their money. King Jinpyeong said that it otherwise would have happened & there is a shortage of food that become of them, the Royal household will give relief ration of grain to its people & the nobility will also do their part in easy the people’s suffering
King Jinpyeong said that for the past decades that Mi Shil has handed out ration relief to the people more than the Royal household. Deok Man said there is where her doubt stand in that. Deok man said that they needed to give out the relief ration out to the people for free & why are they keep purchasing the grain at a higher expensive price, what is the reason behind that. King Jinpyeong & Deok Man has to put on their thinking caps
Kim Chun Chu sneaks back & calls out to Kim Yu Shin then finds Kim Yu Shin’s chamber is empty & tells that some people need to have better time keeping, how can a Pungwolju absent from his chambers. Kim Chun Chu sits down as Kim Yu Shin enters to greet him that he is here. Kim Chun Chu tells that Kim Yu Shin is indeed late. Kim Yu Shin inform under Deok Man’s instruction that Kim Chun Chu’s tutor has made some changes. Kim Chun Chu is surprise & tells that Kim Yu Shin is too lacking to be adaptable to a person of Kim Chun Chu’s intelligence & is not compatible. Kim Chun Chu asked who may that new tutor be. Kim Yu Shin call out to Bi Dam to asked why he hasn’t enter the chamber as Bi Dam revealed his presence to Kim Chun Chu much to the surprise of a gapping Kim Chun Chu to learn that Bi Dam is his new tutor
Bi Dam greets Kim Chun Chu as his new tutor. Kim Chun Chu stutters as Kim Yu Shin introduce that Bi Dam is Guk Seon Moon Noh’s student & Hwa Rang captain of Mu Myeong Ji Do cadre corps. Kim Chun Chu tries to sweet talk Kim Yu Shin to accept him back as a student that they has grown fond of each other in this times & there is more Kim Yu Shin can teach him that he may reap benefits. Bi Dam gave a slight grin as Kim Chun Chu knows that he is hot soup. Kim Yu Shin hands Kim Chun Chu to Bi Dam as he assures Kim Yu Shin he will do his best in Kim Chun Chu tutelage. Kim Yu Shin leaves as Kim Chun Chu tries to hold Kim Yu Shin back
Bi Dam casually closes the door & grin at the rather frightful Kim Chun Chu. Bi dam lays the condition of their tutelage from the 3rd term as no folding of origami from his books as Kim Chun Chu jots down the term & condition set by Bi Dam & then he must not play truant from class then for the 5th as Kim Chun Chu asked why Bi Dam is not address him in honourific & being rude. Bi Dam tells that he doesn’t address Princess Deok Man is honourifics. BI Dam asked to write down the 5th but can’t remember what he wants to put as it slip his mind.
Kim Chun Chu is concern that Princess Deok Man is investigate the price inflation & asked about the progress. Bi Dam asked is that how he address in reference to Princess Deok Man as his Aunt. Kim Chun Chu said that it is the same with Bi Dam being so casual with Deok Man, in which Bi Dam concur the fact with delight. Bi dam raise the question for Kim Chun Chu about the member of the nobility manipulating the price hike on grain & asked what is the reason behind it as Kim Chun Chu smiles.
Deok Man goes to see Mi Shil where Mi Shil tell that pardon her rudeness that Deok Man is indeed impertinent in her behaviour to barge in to see her. Deok Man admits that she has some display traits that gets the better of her some times. Mi Shil asked how could Deok Man convey such insidious queries against her of all people that it should aim at her. Deok Man said that it was curiousity that lead to his inquest over the matter & come seeking information from Mi Shil on the reason that only she can provide in Seorabeol. Deok Man whether if by any chance has cause any displeasure to Mi Shil on her line of questioning & asked perhaps she needs to take leave. Mi Shil denies of nothing of that sort & asked what is Deok Man’s queries was. Deok Man gave a situation that whenever merchant anticipate the advent of a coming of a famine due to failure of crops & the fear of food shortage, they will tend to hoard commodity in anticipate to sell the goods at the better price hike in the event to gain huge profits from the manipulation of the commodity but if there is famine to occur it is the responsibility of the nobility in such event to distribute free ration to the people to compensate the shortage due to famine, so it is unlikely that the nobility will gain benefits from the manipulation of price speculation that may led them to suffer hefty losses if they play into the speculation game in commodity. Mi Shil affirm the practice, but Deok Man reiterate why then the nobilities themselves are engage in this hoarding practice & the speculation of price index of the commodity & this situation allow the citizen to suffer in distraught. Mi Shil throw back the question t asked why is the citizen suffering.
Meanwhile return to Bi Dam where he asked Kim Chun Chu what is the reason behind the nobility hoarding the grain stock. Kim Chun Chu said it surely for profit gain but Bi Dam dismiss that there is more to it than that & something is amiss that seen profit is just a mere things not able to justify to give out such great expenses & Bi Dam stop short in trying to explain as he can’t go further & tells that Kim Chun Chu doesn’t no next to nothing. Bi Dam said that Bi Dam is only thinking in the lines of asset in his mental equation of the matter, so the answer is naturally not found. Bi Dam asked what the meaning with Kim Chun Chu’s remark. Kim Chun Chu counts if by chance that will crops, iron or gold only able to reap profit
Return to Mi Shil’s question why does the citizen is suffering. Deok Man said that with the speculation of price hike, the citizen are unable to purchase the grains with those absorbent prices in the market, so they will not able to survive that led to those famished & impoverished due to that situation. Then Mi Shil in turn give a question what will the famished & improvised people may do. Deok Man can’t find an answer to Mi Shil’s question. Mi Shil explains that among the population that there are landowner & tenants of the land they rent to cultivate, what will they do respectively. Deok Man is left with thought to ponder
Deok Man return to his chamber where Kim Yu Shin is waiting for her as she sat seeking information from the books. Kim Yu Shin asked what she is looking for. Deok Man flips the pages of the annals & finds what she is looking for, the reason behind the matter. The incident that happens in the autumn of 2nd year reign (AD 577) King Jinji the country was ravage with famine then follow by on the 7th month in the following year (AD 578) then during the 2nd year of Geonbok (AD 585) then follow by the 13th year AD 596 then 28th year (AD 611) in which the famine occurs there is an increase in land & slaves control within the nobility.
Geonbok is the reigning period from King Jinpyeong 6th year reign in AD 584 to Queen Seon Deok 2nd year in reign in AD 633
Kim Yu Shin said that this will lead to small & medium self sufficient landowner being dismissed. Deok Man affirm that this is what is about to happened & Kim Yu Shin said it is the very reason why the nobility are hoarding the grains. Deok Man said that nobility are forcing usury in which is the answer to their hoarding. Kim Yu Shin said that this will led to small landowner unable to pay back their debts & they will eventually lose their agriculture land for failure to pay the debts & suffocate them to return to being tenant of the land Deok Man adds that therefore the tenant will eventually be made slaves to the nobility who possess the lands. Kim Yu Shin said that since King Jinji’s reign, the nobility has suppress the small landowner each time a famine occur to increase their land ownership & raise tenant levy on the people that cultivate their lands & this has result that the Royal Treasury been deprive of levy & tax.
Deok Man said that for this instance, in spring the nobility will distribute the grain that they had hoarded as relief ration in the attempt to gain public sentiment for their deeds. Kim Yu Shin asked how did Deok Man comes about to derive the situation. Deok Man said that in actual fact Mi Shil was the person who led her to give her this conclusion & made her comprehend of the whole situation at hand. Kim Yu Shin is surprise at Deok Man’s statement
Ha Jong & Se Jong surprise that Deok Man came to see Mi Shil as Se Jong asked whether Mi shil disclose any answer to her about their intent. Mi Shil said that she didn’t vouch the answer to Deok Man but instead give Deok Man another question. Mi Saeng asked what if that question leads Deok Man to conclude the answer as Mi Shil si confident that if Deok Man learn & can concluded to get the answer, what can she able to do about the matter. Ha Jong concurs that he is hoarding the commodity with his own funding & there is no law to able to stop him from doing so. Mi Saeng question that whether Mi Shil did this on purpose to see what Deok Man is going to do about the situation out of curiousity. Mi Shil smiles in affirmative
Meanwhile Kim Yu Shin is concern that there is no way to stop them from doing so & neither can they stop them from hoarding & purchasing the goods with their own monetary funding. Usury should be stopped with an ordinance of law but then the Hwa Baek will never pass that consensus. Deok Man agrees that the matter will never be resolve by ordinance of law. Kim Yu Shin surprise at Deok Man’s answer as Deok Man suggest that they counter the speculation with their very own manipulation in the field of commercial trading is where they will do battle. Deok man said that she grew up in the midst of a great trading exchanges in Taklamakan Desert’s dunes & there is seen the crème of the world’s finest traders gather & assembled there. Silla may be renowned for its commercial trading but then it could never be compare or surpass to what is found in that Taklamakan Desert’s dunes. Deok Man will engage this battle with commercial trading
Deok man goes to see King Jinpyeong as King Jinpyeong mentioned that there is no way to stop the nobility from speculating & manipulating the prices as Kim Seo Hyeon said that can’t do anything when they are using their own funding. Princess Man Myeong said that this is already an old habitual practice. Deok Man suggest that they can stop the nobility with the Royal treasury. Kim Yong Chu surprise of the mentioned of the Royal treasury as Queen Maya ask how is that going to work. Deok Man wants King Jinpyeong to give her the full absolute authorisation to handle the matter without restriction in both long & short term solutions that there is a method of way to resolve this issue
Kim Seo Hyeon & Kim Yong Chu has a private chat with Deok Man as Kim Yong Chu tell that she will have great opposition to her idea. Kim Yong Chu confess honestly that he too has engage in the activities of hoarding & it is not that reason that Kim Yong Chu is telling but the anticipation to the nobility protest against her intent will be more greater than she can imagine. Kim Seo Hyeon asked will it be wiser that they release state ration. Deok man said although state ration release in for the times of famine but in the end people tend to end up abandoning their lands to become rented tenants & thus loses their self sufficient. Deok Man plead with Kim Seo Hyeon & Kim Yong Chu that she needs their assistance in this matter
Kim Seo Hyeon said that Minister can’t possibly engage in commercial trading & they need to have some sort of representative of some sort in this industry. Deok man said that she has already thought of a rightful candidate. Bi dam makes a visit to Yeom Jong that gave him a fright as Bi Dam enters & asked whether he has made some profit in his trading. Yeom Jong makes the excuse that his servant didn’t clean his writing brushes properly. Yeom Jong asked whether Bi Dam is a phantom as he is so light footed when he makes his entrance & asked if Bi Dam can give him some sound as he enters. Yeom Jong said that he is already having it hard recently as it is all written in his face that he is so stress up
Bi Dam asked that he need something to be done, in with utmost stealth operation & asked Yeom Jong to gather some men deem suitable for the operation. Bi Dam asked Yeom Jong to do this immediately. Yeom Jong goes & offer the merchant the amount of 200 Seom of grain to sell
Seom is equivalent to the measure of a sack
Merchant is happy & thanks his lucky stars that Yeom Jong can render the supplies as the it is hard to find grain stock. Merchant asked where did this grain supply comes from. Yeom Jong tells him that he needn’t know where the source comes from. Yeom Jong asked whether the going price is now at 25 nyang as the merchant affirms it. Yeom Jong promises that there is more to come. Merchant is glad as the nobility is willing to purchase the grain at all cost. Bi dam observe as Yeom Jong goes to all the merchant to distribute the grains that he intent to sell as the merchant gave the sum of 5000 nyang for Yeom Jong’s sack of grain. Yeom Jong inspect the sum & is pleased with the payment. As Yeom Jong passes Bi Dam & gives a grin on their plan working brilliantly
Se Jong & Ha Jong said that the street market is grieving over the escalating price hike but it will do no good to them. This will only help rumour monger to escalate the price further sky rocket. Seok Bum & the other Hwa Rang cadre comes in to report to Se Jong about some oddity in the street market. Ha Jong asked whether the price of the grain has again sky rocket as they speak. The Hwa rang captain said that it is otherwise that they is a big surplus of grain commodity that is flooding the market. Seok Bum said that it may be a concern & wonder if Se Jong has any knowledge of the matter. Another Hwa rang captain said that he has been sent by his father to query about the matter in which Se Jong is surprise to hear & enquire if by chance that the Royal reserve has be release. Se Jong said how can the Royal reserve store be release without his prior knowledge or approval. Ha Jong adds that the Royal reserve store are to be distribute as ration to the citizen how can they be found sold in the market. Ha Jong brushes their concern away. Se Jong assures them that there is no consent for distribution & dismiss them to leave with any worries. Seok Bum & other Hwa rang captain obey & leaves
Ha Jong notice that there is a surplus of grain commodity in the market & if they keep procure in this market prices. Yesterday prices was index as 30 nyang a sack if ha Jong wanted to have more grain & now cost them dearly that the price has double in a few days. Ha Jong asked his father whether they still need to procure some more with the current prices
Deok man asked about the progress in the market. Bi Dam said that they has pump some 1,000 seom of grain into the market & plans to increase to another 1,000 in anticipation to the demand. Kim Yu Shin said that the prices has not stable just yet with the pumping of the inventory. Al Cheon asked how long the nobility will continue their buying trend. Deok Man said that if they wanted to reap profit there would have stop procurement but however their main purpose is in other matter that this exercise is to demise the small land owner’s self sufficient status & they will carry on with their procurement exercise in order to have that & then suddenly reality will hit them that they had bought the grain at a high & expensive price
Kim Yu Shin is summon by MI Shil as Kim Yu Shin greets Mi Shil that he was told that she wanted to see him. Ha Jong asked that they have a queries to asked whether that if Princess Deok Man selling the grain from the Royal Reserve store. It seem there is a great influx in the surplus of grain in the market. Kim Yu Shin gave a direct affirmative answer that since the price has escalating this much that it will significantly benefit the Royal Household treasury. Mi Shil & her faction are shock at the news as Seol Won Rang conform that the Royal Household is using this opportunity to make profit with Royal reserve by trading the reserve on the market. Seol Won Rang said that this is absolute nonsense
Seok Bum is shock that Deok Man is selling grain from the Royal Reserve store & it is rumours that Deok man may sell the whole. Seok Bum said that if this is so, then surely the prices of grain will sharply fall. The other Hwa Rang captain said that they must release their hoarding supplies to get back their capital before it is too late. The other Hwa Rang said that if they start to force sell that the price will sharply plunge drastically. Some agree that they need to persist but if they don’t sell they might risk hefty losses. Seok Bum then said that they may defer in their situation as they are wealth but for Seok Bum it will spell a certain disaster if the grain price were to drop that he needs to foreclosure his lands. The Hwa rang captain realise that they has procure the grain beyond their credit limit to gain those lands but then if they hesitate they might loss even more. The Hwa Rang captain decided to force sell in order to cut their losses
Kim Yu Shin inform that the nobility has start to force sell & Al Cheon said that the prices is falling. Deok Man said that this is great & asked Bi Dam to work with Kim Seo Hyeon to expedite their next plan of action. Deok man on the other hand will go & play her role in her plan. Deok Man goes to preside the council & tell the council member that she is presiding the meeting on behalf of King Jinpyeong over the matter of the Royal reserve store & asked them to voice their opinions on the matter. Se Jong asked whether if there is by chance that Deok man open the Royal reserve store. Deok man confirm the matter. Ha Jong said that Deok Man didn’t distribute as ration but to do commercial trading in the market for profit. Mi Shil asked that with the price hike, Deok Man sold the grain to the open market that she is disappoint with Deok Man & tells Deok Man is too under estimate on her calculation. Seol Won Rang asked how can the Royal Household using the citizen welfare as monetary profit gains. Se Jong tells that this is absurd that Deok Man is using the relief ration meant for the people during famine for profit & trading
Deok man said that she has another alternative method to purchase her sold grain as Mi Shil is surprise. Seok Bum sells his grain. The merchant said that he can’t buy back the price he sold Seok Bum for as the price had take a dip. Merchant shows his store is full of inventory of force selling. The Hwa rang captain how much is the current pricing. The merchant said that it is used to be 25 nyang a sack but now it is only worth 15 nyang & that is also being very generous in pricing. They are shock that they bought the grain from the merchant at 20 nyang a sack just a few days ago & now it is only worth 15 nyang, is that possible. Kim Yu Shin & Al Cheon observe the Hwa Rang captain
Deok Man tells them that this is the principal of what commercial trading is about. The Royal Household sold their grain reserve at a high price but as the price fall, they will purchase back the grain at a much lower rate & will reap profit from the exchanges of buying & selling. Since there is a large surplus in inventory as Mi Shil adds that the prices will surely take a plunge & the market will eventually stabilise the index. Mi Shil asked what if the purchaser of the hoarding refuse to force sell their inventory & united in unity, what Deok man is going to do then
Deok Man confidently tells Mi Shil that they will not able to persist or withstand in hoarding the commodity any longer as she plans to release the Royal reserve store into the market to trade 7 even the military reserve will be release onto the market to trade & inform that Kim Seo Hyeon is already expediting the reserve as they speak. Se Jong said how can they sell the military reserve & it is utter nonsense. Mi Shil said that because of the prices continue to escalate, & Deok Man has taken this opportunity to even sell Royal reserve store & & the military reserve supplies & asked whether Deok man really believe that this may resolve all matter. Seol Won Rang said that no one has done this misdeed at all
Deok Man queries whether the false shortage was create to bring price fluctuations at the market or was it the scheme of the nobility to gain ownership of lands from the self sufficient small land owners to force them to their demise. Deok man said that she didn’t make profit out of her citizen but rather trading in the expense of the nobility as a whole. Seol Won Rang asked whether Military reserve that is for national security be use to trade & will Deok man able to take the responsibility for this matter if should Baekje comes to attack them at any moment notice. Deok Man said that it truth she may or may not sell those ration. Mi Shil is surprise at the remark that she may not release.
Deok Man just merely announce in a public notice that she will be doing so. Ha Jong said that it is only in announcement. Deok man queries why the price hike in grain, the reason is that it is not due to shortage but the speculation of the fear that they may be one that has drive to made the public go frenzy in chaos in a buying spree, is it that on that principal that without actually trading the military reserve but just by mentioning the matter has led people to force sell their hoarding inventory & eventually the price will plunge sharply. Mi Shil said that if the nobility refuse to sell their inventory, the price will not take a plunge. Deok Man doubt that they will be able to persist & withstand that temptation of not to sell. Deok Man question that the people who hoard the commodity at a high price will able to sustain this. The story continues...
The Great Queen Seon Deok ( Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕)) Episode 38
The Great Queen Seon Deok ( Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕)) Episode 38 Part 1
The Great Queen Seon Deok ( Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕)) Episode 38 Part 2
The Great Queen Seon Deok ( Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕)) Episode 38 Part 3
The Great Queen Seon Deok ( Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕)) Episode 38 Part 4
The Great Queen Seon Deok ( Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕)) Episode 38 Part 5
The Great Queen Seon Deok ( Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕)) Episode 38 Part 6
Source of synopsis/summary of The Great Queen Seon Deok is taken from: (Thank you and credits to, &
(Terima kasih dan kredit diberikan kepada,, dan semua pihak atas sumber maklumat dan video)
(Thank you and credits to,,, and all sources for the information and videos)
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