Sinopsis dan video klip Drama Asia (Korea)- The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 39/ Synopsis and video clips of The Great Queen Seon Deok of Episode 39
Title: Queen Seon Duk
Format: Drama
historical drama
Yowon Lee
Hyeonjeong Ko
Yejin Park
Taewoong Uhm
Country of origin South Korea South Korea
No. of episodes 62

Deokman (later known as Queen Seon Deok) was born as a twin but was abandoned as a baby. She was later brought back to the Silla palace, where she joined forces with her twin sister Princess Cheonmyeng to oppose Mi-shil, who wanted to seize power. Mi-shil devised sinister plans to have the two Silla princesses exiled from the kingdom, and in a secretive battle, Princess Chonmyong was assassinated by Mi-shil. However, Princess Deokman shrewdly enlisted the help of General Kim Yusin and eliminated her archenemy Mi-shil. She became the first female ruler of the Silla kingdom.
Video clips of OST The Great Queen Seon Deok ( Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕) - 아이유(IU) - 바람꽃 Wind Flower
- Lee Yo Won as Deokman/Queen Seondeok
- Nam Ji Hyun as young Deokman
- Ko Hyeon-jeong as Lady Misil
- UEE as young Lady Misil
- Park Ye-Jin as Princess Cheonmyeong
- Shin Se Kyung as young Princess Cheonmyeong
- Uhm Tae Woong as Kim Yushin
- Lee Hyun Woo as young Kim Yushin
- Kim Nam Gil as Bidam
- Park Ji Bin as young Bidam
- Yu Seung-ho as Kim Chunchu
- Lee Seung-hyo as Alcheon
Extended Cast
- Jo Min Ki as King Jinpyeong (Deokman's Father)
- Baek Jong Min as young Jinpyeong
- Kang San as child Jinpyeong
- Baek Jong Min as young Jinpyeong
- Yoon Yoo Sun as Lady Maya (Deokman's Mother, Kim Jinpyeong's wife)
- Park Soo Jin as young Lady Maya
- Seo Young Hee as So Hwa
Sambungan sinopsis The Great Queen Seon Deok ( Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕)) Episode 39
Deok Man bertanya apa seseorang akan dapat menahan dampak ekonomi sendirian. Deok Man mengingatkan Mi Shil sudah pernah berkata bahwa ini adalah apa yang dirasakan hati manusia secara alami. Meskipun Mi Shil mengatakan bahwa kaum bangsawan akan bersatu dan tahan menghadapi dampaknya tapi Deok Man berkata mungkin Mi Shil adalah orang pertama yang ingin segera lari untuk menjual cadangan gandumnya. Se Jong dan Ha Jong mulai tidak tenang dengan kata2 Deok Man. Mi shil terdiam.
Deok Man meninggalkan pertemuan, Bi Dam memberikan salam padanya dan Deok Man bertanya tentang cadangan militer. Bi Dam melapor bahwa mereka mulai melepas cadangan stok militer dalam jumlah kecil di pasar. Harga mulai turun drastis setelah rumor bahwa stok gandum militer membanjiri pasar. Pasar sekarang bergejolak dengan dilema apa mereka harus menjual atau menahannya. Deok Man tanya berapa sekarang harga di pasaran. Bi Dam berkata sekarang sekitar 15 nyang dan mungkin akan jatuh besok. Deok Man memerintahkan untuk membeli kembali komoditi pada harga 10 nyang dan minta Bi Dam melakukan pembelian dalam satu kali transaksi.
Deok Man merasa yakin ia dapat memenangkan pertarungan ini. Ha Jong mengeluh ia membeli gandum dengan harga 4 kali lipat dari harga sekarang. Mi saeng bertanya apa yang diributkan Ha Jong. Ha Jong segera bergegas menjual cadangan gandumnya untuk menekan kerugian. Se Jong juga mengikutinya. Mi Saeng juga merasa cemas dengan keadaan ini, ia lalu mengejar mereka. Hanya tinggal Seol Won dan Mi Shil, Mi Shil minta Seol Won pergi dan menekan kerugiannya karena sekarang mereka tidak mampu mencegah atau mengendalikan semua bangsawan yang ingin menjual stok mereka. Mereka juga harus menjualnya. Mi shil kesal karena dikalahkan oleh Deok Man.
Para kapten Hwarang berkata ada informasi bahwa cadangan militer diperdagangkan di pasar dan Im Jong tidak pernah membayangkan ini akan terjadi. Yang lain berkata bagaimana ini terjadi tanpa sepengetahuan yang lain. Beberapa mengeluh bahwa Seok Bum dan Baek Ui adalah yang pertama menjual stok mereka dan membuat mereka panik, mereka tidak bisa diam saja dan harus memberitahu pada keluarga masing2. Sekarang pasar dibanjiri oleh komoditas dari orang2 yang akan menjualnya dan sekarang pedagang menolak membeli karena stok mereka masih banyak.
Yeom Jong melihat mereka dari kejauhan. Yeom Jong bertanya berapa harga sekarang, pedagang berkata sekarang harganya 13 nyang per sak. Yeom Jong berkata jika harga mencapai 10 nyang, mereka harus membelinya kembali. Ha Jong panik dan berteriak untuk membawa semua stoknya dan akan melepasnya sebelum harga jatuh terlalu jauh. Ho Jae mengunjungi Ha Jong setelah mendengar berita dari Seok Bum. Ho Jae bertanya apa mereka harus menerima semua ini. Se Jong berkata mereka tidak dapat melakukan apa-apa. Seok Bum merasa mereka harus menyatukan semua bangsawan dan mengajukan keberatan.
Para kapten Hwarang berkata bahwa keluarga mereka akan mendukung Se Jong. Mi Saeng juga ingin agar mereka bersatu dan mengadakan rapat dewan istana untuk minta Deok Man menjelaskan tindakannya. Ha Jong menyatakan mereka harus memindahkan Deok Man dari wilayah politik. Se Jong minta mereka mengirim surat untuk anggota dewan.
Mi Shil menemui Deok Man dan bertanya apa yang akan terjadi jika kemudian harga bergerak naik. Apa Deok Man akan menggunakan solusi membanjiri pasar dengan stok dari militer untuk menekan harga. Mi Shil berkata bahwa Deok Man sangat ceroboh dan ia harus mengakui bahwa tindakannya yang sangat berani dan bodoh ini akan membingungkan setiap orang tapi Mi Shil memperingatkan bahwa akan ada reaksi serius dari tindakan Deok Man ini. Deok Man berkata bahwa masalah tidak akan diselesaikan dengan melepaskan cadangan militer tapi kaum bangsawan akan selalu berpikir dua kali jika mau menimbun, pikiran tentang tindakan berani dan bodoh dari Putri Silla untuk mereka demi mencegah permainan harga di pasar.
Mi Shil mengagumi nyali Deok Man, tapi disadari atau tidak para bangsawan adalah fondasi dari negri ini dan mereka bertanggungjawab untuk urusan administrasi untuk pemungutan pajak dan perlindungan untuk tanah mereka. Mi Shil bertanya ia ingin tahu bagaimana Deok Man akan memimpin negri ini tanpa dukungan kaum bangsawan. Mi Shil mencemaskan Deok Man dan berharap ia sukses dan Mi shil akan pergi.
Sebelum Mi Shil pergi, Deok Man mengajukan pertanyaan, ia ingin tahu sesuatu yang ia sudah simpan dalam hatinya, ia curiga sejak waktu itu sampai sekarang. Deok Man berkata Mi Shil bijaksana dan penilaiannya selalu akurat dan pintar dan dalam kepemimpinan belum ada yang mampu menandingi Mi Shil tapi mengapa sejak jaman Raja Jinheung tidak ada kemajuan di Silla dan stagnan dalam waktu lama. Bahkan dengan Mi Shil yang menguasai bakat kepemimpinan yang luar biasa. Sudah jelas terlihat bahwa Mi Shil memiliki bakat besar dan kemampuan seharusnya ada kemajuan besar yang dapat dilihat di Silla, tapi Deok Man tidak melihat ada kemajuan apapun.
Deok Man membaca laporan bahwa ada jalan buntu setelah pemerintahan Raja Jinheung dan seterusnya. Deok Man menanyakan bagaimana Mi Shil dapat menjelaskan alasannya. Mi Shil hanya memandang, tersenyum, dan pergi. Deok Man bertanya-tanya apa pertanyaannya berpengaruh pada Mi Shil. Mi Shil berjalan di koridor dan terlihat terganggu dan ia melewati Kim Yu Shin yang memberikan salam padanya.
Kim Yu Shin masuk dan bertanya mengapa Deok Man selalu memprovokasi dan membuat marah Mi Shil. Deok Man tidak mengerti maksud Kim Yu Shin. Yang ia maksud Mi Shil. Deok Man berkata apa terlihat seperti itu, ia hanya mengajukan pertanyaan dari keingintahuannya yang jujur. Kim Yu Shin heran. Deok Man bertanya bukankah sekarang seharusnya ada kemajuan pesat di Silla dibawah kepemimpinan Mi Shil tapi mengapa tidak terjadi. Deok Man ingin tahu alasannya dan ia tidak ingin mengulangi kesalahan yang sama dan berjalan di jalan itu.
Kim Yu Shin bertanya apa mereka dapat menarik lagi cadangan militer yang sudah diperdagangkan di pasar. Yeom jong mengisi gandum di tokonya setelah membeli dengan harga 10 nyang. Kim Chun Chu mengamati kegiatan di toko Yeom Jong dan Yeom Jong memberi salam pada Chun Chu. Chun Chu bertanya apa mereka akan mampu menarik gandum dari pasar dengan utuh. Yeom Jong berkata saat spekulasi terjadi, sangat mudah mempengaruhi harga untuk turun, para bangsawan terpaksa menjual stoknya dengan panik.
Kim Chun chu mengaku pada Yeom Jong, ia mungkin pandai berkomentar mengenai banyak hal tapi Putri Deok Man tahu apa itu perdagangan dan ekonomi. Deok Man dapat menjual gandum seharga 20 nyang/sak dan membeli kembali seharga 10 nyang/sak. Dan menggandakan keuntungannya. Bi Dam mendengarkan percakapan ini dan Kim Chun Chu berkata bahwa keluarga Raja benar2 kekurangan dana. Yeom Jong tidak mengerti, Kim Chun Chu berkata Deok Man terpaksa menggunakan cadangan militer untuk memanipulasi bangsawan dan mengakhiri permainan spekulasi Yeom Jong memuji dan terlihat terpesona dengan kepandaian Kim Chun Chu dan mampu membaca situasi. Yeom Jong berkata bahwa keluarga raja lemah kekuasaannya dan mereka seperti penjaga saja.
Kim Chun Chu menanyakan mengenai peta topografi 3 negara, Bi Dam menajamkan telinganya dan Kim Chun Chu kaget melihat Bi Dam. Yeom Jong berkeras agar Kim Chun Chu melanjutkan menyelesaikan kalimatnya dan Yeom Jong melihat Bi Dam memandangi mereka. Kim Chun Chu sembunyi di belakang Yeom Jong saat Bi Dam mendekati Kim Chun Chu dan bertanya mengapa Chun Chu tertarik dengan topografi 3 negara. Chun Chu berkata bukan apa2 dan ia buru2 menghindar dari Bi Dam. Yeom Jong mengikuti Chun Chu tapi dihentikan Bi Dam, Bi Dam menepuk pundak Yeom Jong dan berkata ia hutang nyawa pada Bi DAm.
Bi Dam minta Yeom Jong untuk tidak mengatakan apapun mengenai buku yang ditulis gurunya itu, dan juga jaringan Yeom Jong yang mendanai buku itu. Yeom Jong setuju. Bi Dam tanya tentang cadangan militer.
Deok Man melapor pada dewan istana bahwa cadangan militer sudah diperoleh kembali sesuai jumlah awalnya. Mi Saeng berkata bahwa cadangan stok istana bukan menjadi masalah. Ha Jong berkata masalahnya mereka tidak diberitahu jika cadangan itu akan dijual. Se Jong berkata ada prosedur dalam semua tindakan. Mereka ingin Deok Man menjelaskan pada dewan mengenai tindakannya. Deok Man kemudian menjelaskan bahwa semua yang hadir dalam sidang dewan hari ini juga bersalah. Ha Jong terkejut dengan tuduhan Deok Man, bagaimana ia begitu berani dalam kata2nya.
Mi Saeng berkata, Deok MAn mungkin putri raja, tapi ia tidak dapat menggunakan kata2 ceroboh dan berbicara seperti itu di depan dewan. Ha Jong minta Deok Man menjelaskan maksudnya. Semua setuju. Deok Man dengan tenang mengambil sebuah dokumen dan membacakannya di depan anggota dewan.
Bangsawan Se jong, 1800 seom
Bangsawan Ha Jong, 980 seom
Bangsawan Mi Saeng, 1280 seom
Bangsawan Seol Won, 320 seom
Bangsawan Seok Bum, 850 seom
Bangsawan Yong Chun, 330 seom (seom = sak, kira2 47 galon)
Lalu beberapa anggota dewan yang lainnya dan Ha Jong memotong apa maksudnya ini, dan Deok Man terus membaca..bangsawan Indong, 180 seom. Deok Man berkata ini adalah jumlah yang ditimbun oleh kaum bangsawan dan anggota dewan yang menyebabkan harga komoditas melambung tinggi untuk memanipulasi dan spekulasi sehingga mengakibatkan penderitaan rakyat, sampai mereka saling membunuh.
Para anggota dewan terdiam. Ini membuat timbulnya kejahatan, membuat hasil kerja keras rakyat selama berbulan-bulan menjadi tidak berarti karena mereka tidak mampu membeli gandum. Deok Man bertanya apa itu cukup membuktikan mereka bersalah. Ha Jong bertanya apa ia harus disalahkan karena kaya, ia juga prihatin dengan kesejahteraan rakyat. Deok Man berkata dia juga melakukan yang sama dengan cadangan militer, dengan mengeluarkan cadangan ke pasar untuk menekan harga, sehingga mengurangi penderitaan rakyat.
Ha jong berkata ini adalah masalah perputaran cadangan militer, biasanya ini dibicarakan dalam rapat dewan. Deok Man berkata bahwa prioritas utama dari istana adalah membebaskan rakyat dari kelaparan. Deok Man mempertanyakan jadi ini tujuan dewan istana yaitu untuk mengatur urusan negara dan ini mengapa dewan ini dibentuk. Se Jong membenarkan, tapi masalahnya dan Deok Man memotongnya, mereka tidak bisa mengabaikan kelaparan yang menimpa rakyat hanya dengan masalah tetek bengek administrasi.
Kim Seo hyeon berkata jika mereka tidak segera mengendalikan sentimen publik, maka situasinya akan menjadi semakin berbahaya dan mungkin akan berubah menjadi kerusuhan dan rakyat mungkin akan memberontak. Mi Saeng berkata bahwa sebagai menteri pertahanan, bagaimana ia bisa demikian sombong setelah mengeluarkan cadangan militer ke pasar. Ha Jong kemudian mengajukan usul untuk bersatu dan meminta Deok Man agar tidak bicara lagi dalam dewan istana. Para menteri setuju untuk voting.
Deok Man berkata ada cara membuat ia tidak akan berdebat dalam sidang dan akan pergi dengan senang hati. Semua melihatnya. Deok Man minta agar undang-undang pelarangan spekulasi dan manipulasi harga disahkan. Deok Man menantang anggota dewan untuk melakukannya jika mereka setuju, ia akan dengan senang hati meninggalkan dewan dan kasus ini.
Mi Saeng berkata tidak masuk akal mengesahkan UU seperti itu. Ha Jong juga berkata ia tidak berhak membelanjakan uangnya sendiri. Kim Yong Chun berkata jadi karena keserakahan mereka maka rakyat menderita. Ha Jong menuduh Kim Yong Chu, ia juga melakukan penimbunan tapi hanya sedikit karena ia ada di pihak putri jadi ia pasti sudah mengetahui informasi bahwa Deok Man akan menjual gandum. Ha Jong juga menuduh Kim Seo hyeon tidak membeli gandum satu sak pun, ia pasti berkomplot. Akhirnya mereka ribut dan hampir berkelahi. Mi Shil hanya melihat keributan ini dengan tatapan kosong dan Deok Man ada di atas angin.
Putri Man Myeong heran bahwa dewan istana tidak memberi sanksi atau mengeluarkan Deok Man dan mengakhiri pertemuan tanpa keputusan apa pun. Kim Seo Hyeon melaporkan bahwa semua bangsawan percaya bahwa dewan istana membuat sesuatu yang akan menjalar ke propinsi mereka. Raja tersenyum saja mendengar semuanya. Kim Seo Hyeon berkata Ha Jong tidak dapat mengendalikan diri dengan emosinya. Ratu berkata Ha jong sesekali berguna juga dengan emosinya dalam situasi seperti ini. Raja berkata, Ha Jong mungkin ketakutan dengan realitas yang dibawa Deok Man. Raja merasakan sakit dan tidak enak.
Ha Jong ngamuk-ngamuk dan menangis seperti anak kecil dan ia berkata masalah ini benar2 membuatnya kesal. Mi Shil berkata pada anaknya untuk maju dan lupakan kekalahan mereka. Dia mengingatkan mereka sudah meraup banyak keuntungan dari masa lalu. Ha jong mengeluh, bagaimana mereka dapat mengabaikannya. Seol Won mengingatkan bahwa musim panen akan segera tiba, Mi Saeng berkata jika panen tiba, mereka harus membawa pajak. Seol Won berkata saat pajak ditarik akan ada masalah lagi. Seol Won berkata, sebaiknya mereka bertahan dalam kekalahan melawan Deok Man sampai saat itu.
Mi saeng setuju dengan Seol Won. Ha jong tanya mengapa mereka berdua sepaham. Ha Jong menuduh Seol Won tidak menimbun banyak karena ia tahu informasinya. Seol Won minta Ha Jong berhenti berdebat. Se Jong berkata mereka dapat melawan Deok Man nanti, tapi mereka tidak akan mengijinkan Putri Deok Man mengurusi masalah negara.
Mi Shil berkata Deok MAn sangat berbeda dengan Raja Jinpyeong saat ia muda atau bahkan Putri Cheon Myeong. Mi shil berkata biarpun Deok Man tidak bekerja sesuai dengan aturan rumah tangga istana dalam pikiran dan tindakannya, tapi Deok Man membuat Mi Shil merasa sedikit terkalahkan.
Deok Man memeriksa dokumentasi dan Bi Dam juga Yu Shin datang memujinya. Ia sudah sukses dalam rapat dewan tapi masih juga belajar. Deok Man menyalami mereka dan Yu Shin minta Deok Man mengambil kesempatan ini untuk menikmati kemenangannya dan mengurangi stres dan tekanan karena konfrontasi ini. Deok Man berkata : Ada pepatah kuno "lihat apa yang dikatakan oleh menantu" dengan situasi seperti ini. Bi Dam tidak mengerti apa maksud Deok Man.
Deok Man berkata selama ia menjadi nangdo, Kim Yu Shin tidak pernah memberinya kesempatan kedua untuk beristirahat dan bahkan untuk dirinya sendiri. Kim Yu Shin malu karena Deok Man mengungkit kenangan mereka itu. Bi Dam kesal karena ia tidak memiliki memori yang dapat dibagi bersama Deok Man. Bi Dam tanya mengenai profit yang sudah mereka dapatkan, mau diinvestasikan dimana. Deok Man berkata karena itulah ia memanggil Bi Dam dan Kim Yu Shin. Ia ingin minta pendapat mereka. Kim Yu Shin minta Deok Man menjelaskan rencananya dan mereka akan mendengarnya. Deok Man menunjukkan dokumen rencananya pada Kim Yu shin. Dan Bi Dam sedikit tersisihkan. Deok Man ingin menggunakan besi yang digunakan dalam persenjataan untuk peralatan pertanian. Bi Dam hanya dapat menjadi pendengar saja.
Mi shil juga membaca buku dan kata-kata Deok Man menghantuinya mengenai perkembangan Silla. Seol Won masuk dan melihat Mi Shil, ia berkata ingin mengikat Kim Chun Chu dalam ikatan pernikahan. Mi Shil berkata untuk mengurusnya. Seol Won melihat Mi Shil sedikit tidak tenang dan sesuatu mengganggu pikirannya. Mi Shil berkata ia sedikit tidak enak badan. Seol Won minta Mi Shil istirahat. Mi Shil berkata ia akan baik2 saja dan minta Seol Won untuk pergi. Mi Shil sebenarnya merasa sedikit tidak percaya diri karena Deok Man.
Paginya, Mi Shil mengunjungi perpustakaan istana dan menemukan Deok Man tertidur di atas tumpukan buku yang ia baca dan pelajari. Mi Shil melihat Deok Man yang tertidur nyenyak dan ia juga melihat Deok Man sudah mempelajari banyak hal semalaman dan akan mulai melakukan risetnya sendiri saat Kim Chun Chu dan Bi Dam masuk. Mereka melihat Mi Shil dan memberi salam, Mi Shil membalas salam mereka. Kim Chun Chu tanya mengapa Mi Shil pagi2 sudah berada di perpustakaan.
Deok Man terbangun dan Mi Shil berkata ia harus membaca beberapa hal. Deok Man memberi salam pada Mi Shil dan tanya kapan Mi Shil datang. Mi Shil berkata Deok Man terlihat lelah dan tidur dengan pulas. Ia tidak berani membangunkannya. Deok Man tanya apa Chun Chu juga akan membaca sesuatu, ia mengiyakan. Kim Chun Chu berterima kasih pada Mi Shil tentang lukisan yang ia kirim lewat Bo Ryang.
Mi Shil dengar dari Mi Saeng bahwa Kim Chun Chu senang dengan seni. Bi Dam berkata pada Deok Man agar tidak perlu cemas dengan Kim chun Chu. Ia mengalami kemajuan di bawah pelatihan Bi Dam. Bi Dam juga menambahkan bahwa Chun Chu juga membantu dalam masalah insiden spekulasi harga. Kim Chun Chu menyangkalnya dan kapan ia membantu. Bi Dam berkata bahwa Kim chun cHu adalah orang yang menjelaskan mengapa kaum bangsawan memanipulasi harga dan berkata bahwa kekayaan istana lemah. Deok Man senang karena Chun chu tahu apa yang terjadi di sekitarnya. Kim chun chu berkata Bi Dam hanya menyanjungnya saja. Kim Chun Chu membungkuk pada mereka dan meninggalkan perpustakaan. Deok Man memanggilnya, saat So Hwa masuk dan berkata Raja memanggil Putri Deok Man. Deok Man lalu keluar.
Tinggallah Bi Dam dan Mi Shil berdua dalam perpustakaan. Bi Dam memberi salam pada Mi Shil dan pergi, Mi Shil berkata bahwa Bi Dam diberi tugas oleh Deok Man untuk mengajar Kim Chun Chu. Bi Dam berkata sebaliknya, dialah yang selalu belajar dari Kim Chun Chu. Bi Dam berkata tak seorangpun mau repot-repot mengajarnya dengan hal-hal mengenai keluarga istana sejak ia dilahirkan sampai sekarang. Bi Dam membungkuk dan meninggalkan perpustakaan. Mi Shil meneruskan membaca tapi kata-kata Bi Dam sedikit mempengaruhinya.
Raja membaca proposal Deok Man dan bertanya apa ia benar2 ingin melakukan ini. Raja bertanya apa proposalnya dapat menaikkan jumlah pemilik tanah untuk mengusahakan tanahnya. Deok Man memastikan. Raja minta Deok Man melanjutkan rencananya. Deok Man heran, ayahnya langsung memberi lampu hijau tapi Raja berkata bahwa itu tidak semudah yang dibayangkan Deok Man, tapi ia harus mencobanya. Deok Man berterima kasih pada ayahnya. Raja bertanya apa Deok Man akan memakai keuntungan dagangnya untuk membiayai proyeknya ini. Deok Man berkata mereka memerlukan dana untuk menjalankannya. Raja mengerti dan minta Deok Man melakukannya.
Deok Man mengunjungi pabrik pembuatan senjata kerajaa. Al Cheon minta semua memberi hormat. Deok Man memerintahkan bahwa untuk sementara produksi senjata dihentikan dan akan dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan alat-alat pertanian. Mereka bingung karena tidak biasa membuatnya, pandai besi biasa yang suka membuat peralatan itu. Deok Man berkata pandai besi biasa memakai besi dengan kualitas rendah Deok Man ingin memakai besi kualitas tinggi untuk membuat alat-alat pertanian.
Bi Dam berkata besi itu sangat berharga untuk membuat senjata. Deok Man akan menginvestasikan keuntungannya untuk pembuatan alat2 pertanian. Ia memerintahkan mereka membuatnya. Deok Man melihat proses pembuatannya. Bi Dam merasa sangat exciting dan jantungnya berdetak kencang, Deok Man juga merasakan hal yang sama. Deok Man berkata pada dirinya dan pada Kim Yu shin dalam hatinya bahwa akhirnya ia memegang sesuatu yang mungkin akan menggusur kekuatan dan kekuasaan Mi Shil.
Ada kerusuhan terjadi di perbatasan An Gang dimana beberapa pasukan bersiap menghadapi massa yang marah. Mereka ingin menemui Gubernur. Pasukan menghalangi mereka dan akhirnya mereka tidak dapat menahannya lagi dan massa yang marah memasuki benteng. Kemudian seseorang menantarkan pesan ke Seorabeol.
Raja menerima laporan bahwa ada pemberontakan terjadi di benteng An Gang. Ratu tahu bahwa An Gang berada di bawah jurisdiksi Se Jong bagaimana ia membiarkan ini terjadi. Kim Seo Hyeon berkata petani menderita karena tanah pertanian mereka terserang hama dan mereka gagal panen. Mereka hanya mampu menyelamatkan 500 sak gandum. Putri Man Myeong berkata ini tidak membenarkan tindakan mereka dan menahan Gubernur. Kim Yong Chun berkata bahwa masalahnya Ha Jong menolak menurunkan pajak dan memaksa mereka membayar jumlah yang sama seperti jika panennya berhasil. Kim Seo hyeon berkata mereka hanya panen separuh tapi Ha Jong tetap minta 500 sak gandum sebagai pajaknya dan Deok Man berkata ini akan membuat mereka tidak memiliki persediaan pangan. Ha Jong mengambil semua hasil panen mereka sebagai pajak.
Deok Man berkata bukankah prosedurnya jika ada terjadi gagal panen, maka mereka harus mengirim petisi permohonan pemotongan pajak. Raja berkata bahwa Ha Jong membuat situasinya semakin buruk. Raja menanyakan manajemen Benteng An Gang pada Ha Jong dan Se Jong. Ha Jong berkata ia melakukan seperti biasanya. Se Jong berkata mereka memungut pajak dan membaginya 50% dengan istana sesuai aturan. Ha Jong bertanya apa istana akan menyerahkan bagian mereka, jika istana setuju, maka Ha Jong akan mengembalikan 250 sak gandum kepada mereka. Ha Jong merengek bahwa kejadian terakhir yang dibuat Deok Man sudah membuatnya rugi besar. Jadi istana harus bertanggungjawab untuk meringankan penderitaan rakyat, sehingga mereka dapat bebas dari tanah mereka dan menjadi budak. Deok Man dan Raja hanya dapat melihat Ha Jong yang menyebalkan.
Kim Yu Shin berkata pada Bi Dam, jika istana setuju menyerahkan bagiannya atas pajak, maka istana akan lemah secara keuangan, Bi Dam menambahkan Ha Jong akan mengambil bagiannya dari pajak, dan ia tidak rugi. Kim Yu Shin dan Bi Dam sepakat ini persis seperti dulu, Istana harus mengeluarkan cadangan gandum untuk dibagikan pada rakyat. Bahkan dengan Ha Jong yang marah2, Deok Man tidak dapat mengabaikan keadaan rakyat dan harus melakukan sesuatu.
Bi Dam berkata sepertinya kaum bangsawan terlalu mengendalikan administrasi negara. Ha Jong menyombong pada Mi Shil bagaimana ia membuat Deok Man seperti pelawak dan Ha Jong menekannya dan Deok Man tidak bisa menjawabnya. Mi Shil bertanya apa Deok Man memiliki rencana tambahan untuk mengatasi hal ini. Ha Jong meragukannya, ia berkata Deok Man menjadi pucat wajahnya. Se Jong berkata Deok Man tidak dapat melakukan apapun mengenai ini, kecuali istana setuju menyerahkan bagiannya atas pajak. Ha Jong setuju, beraninya Deok Man menentukan apa yang harus mereka lakukan. Mi Shil berkata bahwa usaha Deok Man selalu berbalik menghalanginya dan kapan Deok Man akan bangun dan melihat kenyataan.
Kim Chun Chu bermain permainan Juryeonggu dan menang. Mi Saeng datang dan memberi salam pada Kim Chun Chu. Mi Saeng berkata sesuatu yang menyenangkan terjadi hari ini di kantor. Chun Chu tanya apa yang terjadi. Mi Saeng berkata ada pemberontakan di benteng An Gang. Kim Chun Chu kaget saat disebut ada pemberontakan. Mi Saeng berkata strategi Deok Man membuat mereka harus menelan pil pahit, ini saatnya bagi mereka untuk membalas apayang sudah dilakukan Deok Man pada mereka. Kim Chun chu tanya bagaimana mereka akan melakukannya. Mi Saeng berkata panen mereka gagal karena hama, dan Ha jong memungut pajak dengan jumlah sama. Apa kau kira rakyat kecil itu akan diam saja, ini akan membawa kerusuhan dan kemudian Ha Jong menolak memberikan bagian pajaknya dan minta istana saja yang melepaskan bagiannya.
Joo Bang mencoba menjelaskan situasi politik di benteng An Gamng pada So Hwa dengan sederhana. So Hwa berkata ia mengerti penjelasan Joo Bang. Joo Bang berkata ia dapat membaca saat berusia 3 tahun lalu Go Do berkata saat ia berumur 3 tahun, ia bisa mengangkat balok. So Hwa mencemaskan Deok MAn dan Joo Bang minta So Hwa jangan terlalu cemas, ia harus menjaga kesehatannya.
Al Cheon berkata pada Kim Yu shin dan Bi Dam bahwa Deok Man menuju ke benteng An Gang untuk melihat kondisinya sendiri. Bi Dam berkata bahwa Deok Man akan memeriksa pemberontakan itu sendiri. Al Cheon berkata Kim Yu Shin harus menyiapkan jalan dan ingin Kim Yu Shin untuk membawa kepala pemberontak ke hadapan Deok Man. Kim Yu Shin heran dengan permintaannya. Bi Dam bertanya-tanya apa Deok Man memiliki rencana.
Ratu Maya cemas apa mereka dapat mengatur masalah ini dengan cara demikian. Putri Man Myeong menyatakan bahwa itu diluar kemampuan Deok Man. Ratu berkata jika ini berhasil maka istana dapat mengalahkan bangsawan dengan pengumpulan pajak dan akan meningkatkan jumlah pemilik tanah untuk menggarap tanahnya. Putri Man Myeong berkata akhirnya rakyat biasa akan dapat bercocok tanam di tanah mereka sendiri dan tidak menjadi penyewa. Ratu Maya cemas, apa itu akan menjadi solusinya. Raja berkata ia dan Putri Cheon Myeong pernah konfrontasi dengan Mi Shil dalam berbagai kesempatan dan pernah mengalahkan Mi Shil. Tapi setiap kali Mi Shil dikalahkan oleh mereka, dia sepertinya mendapat keyakinannya kembali dan tidak pernah ragu tapi sekarang lain saat Deok Man sukses mengalahkan Mi Shil maka kaum bangsawan kesal dan menimbulkan kekacauan. Raja percaya dengan penilaian Deok Man.
Mi Shil heran mendengar Deok Man pergi ke benteng An Gang. Bo Jong berkata bahwa Deok Man sudah mengirim Kim Yu Shin untuk menyiapkan jalan dan Deok Man sudah sampai ke benteng An Gang. Se Jong berkata bagaimana Deok Man mau bernegosiasi dengan pemberontak secara langsung. Seol Won bertanya pada Mi Saeng apa rencana Deok Man dengan masalah ini.
Mi Saeng berpikir bahwa Deok Man akan pergi dan akan mencoba menurunkan kemarahan rakyat. Ha Jong tertawa bagaimana Deok Man akan menenangkan mereka dengan minta mereka membayar pajak. Mi Saeng merasa ini bukan untuk ditertawakan. Mi Shil tersenyun dan ia pikir Deok Man benar2 kacau.
Deok Man dan rombongannya sampai ke An Gang. Deok Man terlihat khawatir. Kim Yu Shin menyambut kedatangan Deok Man dan memberi salam. Deok Man tanya perkembangannya. Kim Yu Shin sudah mendapatkan kepala Desa dan ia menunggu Deok Man. Bagaimana dengan Gubernur? Masih di tahan di dalam benteng. Kim Yu Shin tanya apa Deok Man akan menemuinya sendiri. Deok Man mengiyakan, mereka masuk ke tenda. Kepala Desa itu diikat dan ia mengancam jika mereka tidak melepaskannya dalam 4 jam, maka Gubernur akan mati.
Kim Yu Shin berkata ia salah jika berpikir bisa mengancam Deok Man. Kepala Desa berkata mereka sudah diperlakukan tidak adil oleh kaum bangsawan. Sawah mereka terserang hama dan mereka hanya dapat panen 1/2, tapi bangsawan tetap memungut pajak sesuai jumlah yang normal. Deok Man bertanya bagaimana seorang Kepala Desa dapat merancang pemberontakan melawan pemerintah. Ini bisa digolongkan pemberontakan dan akan mempertaruhkan nyawa mereka semua. Kepala Desa berkata mereka sudah membawa semua hasil panen kami. Ini sudah membawa kematian pada mereka karena mereka tidak memiliki apapun untuk bertahan.
Kepala Desa berkata karena protes ini seorang anak kecil meninggal, saat mereka akan bertemu Gubernur, seorang anak muda tewas. Lalu apa pilihan kami. Kepala Desa berkata, Kim Yu SHin mengatakan bahwa Putri Deok Man datang untuk membuka tawaran bagi mereka dan memberi kesempatan mereka untuk bertahan, ini alasan mengapa ia mau bertaruh nyawa untuk mendengar apa yang Putri katakan.
Deok Man tanya jika ia memberi pilihan untuk mereka, apa mereka akan melakukan sesuai harapannya? Kepala Desa berkata ia akan memegang tanggung jawab tentang pemberontakan dan memohon Deok Man mengampuni nyawa penduduk desa dan memberi mereka kesempatan untuk bertahan. Penduduk desa yang lain yang menemani Kepala Desa juga berdiri dan memohon pada Putri. Al Cheon menghunus pedangnya dan minta mereka duduk.
Deok Man minta Al Cheon mundur dan Deok Man berkata ia akan mengembalikan 250 sak gandum pada penduduk desa dari pajaknya. Kepala Desa tanya mengapa Deok Man mau melakukan itu, Deok Man melanjutkan dia memerintahkan pemberian tanah untuk setiap orang seluas 3 gyeol (1 gyeol = 2000 meter persegi) dan peralatan pertanian yang bagus untuk memulai bercocok tanam kembali. Kepala Desa bertanya apa ini semua benar, mereka akan mendapatkan gandum kembali, juga tanah dan bahkan peralatan pertanian. Deok Man berkata bahwa akan ada pinjaman dengan bunga kecil. Penduduk desa berkata ini bukan amal. Deok Man menunjukkan perhitungan, pajak yang dibebankan pada mereka sebesar 250 seom, jadi jika mereka menambah 50 seom untuk biaya bercocok tanam maka akan menjadi 300 seom.
Kepala Desa terkejut dengan jumlah itu dan Deok Man berkata jika mereka bisa panen lebih dari 50 seom dari tanah mereka maka sisanya akan menjadi milik mereka. Jika mereka sukses menjadikan tanah ini lahan pertanian yang subur maka mereka akan memiliki tanah ini. Kepala Desa mengulang lagi pernyataan Deok Man dan Deok Man membenarkan.
Penduduk desa berkata bahwa Deok Man harus mengembalikan 250 sak gandum dulu pada mereka. Deok Man meyakinkan jika mereka mulai menggarap tanah, maka tahun depan dan tahun depannya lagi, mereka akan dapat memperoleh hasil panen yang banyak. Penduduk desa lebih tertarik mendapatkan gandum kembali dan Deok Man menambahkan ia akan memberikan peralatan pertanian dan tanah untuk diusahakan, ini adalah janjinya sebagai Putri Silla kepada mereka. Kepala desa kemudian berjanji akan melaksanakan perintah dan harapan Deok Man. Kim Yu Shin merasa curiga dengan mereka, ada kemungkinan mereka berubah setia.
Setelah mereka pergi, Al Cheon mengatakan mereka perlu mendapat hukuman dan Kim Yu Shin setuju dengannya, orang2 ini bertanggungjawab atas pemberontakan tapi Deok Man sudah menganugerahi mereka tanah dan perlatan pertanian dan penghukuman untuk mereka adalah hal lain. Deok Man berkata bahwa kepala desa mempertaruhkan nyawanya demi kepentingan penduduk desa. Kim Yu Shin berkeras bahwa kepala desa mengadakan revolusi dan harus dihukum untuk kejahatannya.
Deok Man berpikir sebentar kemudian ia pergi menemui kepala desa untuk berkata bahwa apa yang ia lakukan melanggar hukum dan ia harus dihukum. Kepala desa mengerti kesalahannya dan bersedia bertanggung jawab. Kepala desa memohon agar Deok Man mengampuni penduduk desa. Deok Man kemudian mengampuni kepala desa dan membiarkannya hidup. Al Cheon protes dan kepala desa senang karena ia tetap hidup. Deok Man berkata jika mereka dapat mengusahakan tanahnya maka mereka akan memiliki tanah itu dan tidak akan diperbudak oleh bangsawan lagi. Kepala desa berkata jika mereka diampuni, maka mereka akan melakukan yang terbaik sesuai harapan Deok Man.
Deok Man berkata bahwa dia akan memberikan amnesti dengan kesalahan mereka, Al Cheon protes sekali lagi dengan keputusan Deok Man. Kim Yu Shin menyatakan ini tidak bisa diijinkan. Deok Man kemudian menyatakan ia Putri Raja dan ia sudah mengeluarkan perintah dan tak seorangpun dari mereka boleh berkata sebaliknya. Kim Yu Shin minta maaf tapi ia tetap protes dan Deok Man berkata apapun yang ia perintahkan adalah mewakili keputusan istana dan pengadilan Silla dan diatas semuanya. Deok Man berkata jika penduduk desa mengikuti sarannya maka mereka akan bertahan dan memiliki kehidupan yang lebih baik. Tapi jika tidak, dia akan mengambil nyawa mereka sendiri. Deok Man bertanya apa mereka sadar konsekuensinya. Kepala Desa berjanji bahwa mereka akan melakukan seperti harapan Deok Man setelah ia mengampuni nyawa mereka dan berterima kasih padanya.
Deok Man dan rombongannya pergi. Al Cheon berkata pada Yu Shin bahwa Deok Man ingin berhenti di benteng Gahye, Kim Yu Shin mengiyakan.
Se Jong tanya apa Deok Man sudah sampai di istana. Ha Jong berkata bahwa Deok Man setelah sukses di benteng An Gang sekarang melihat-lihat benteng Gahye. Rumor mengenai insiden di benteng An Gang sudah menyebar ke mana2, ia pergi dengan sukses besar dan rakyat meneriakkan "hidup Putri..hidup Putri" sepanjang perjalanannya. Se Jong tidak percaya bahwa Deok Man tidak menghukum pengacau.
Ha Jong berkata ini menyebabkan akan membuat pihak mereka sulit di masa depan. Mi Shil bertanya kapan Deok Man kembali ke istana. Ha Jong memperkirakan karena ia selalu disambut hangat kemanapun ia pergi, maka pasti akan memakan waktu. Se Jong berkata bahwa ia sudah pergi selama 10 hari, ia akan kembali segera. Se jong berkata bahwa karena ia tidak menghukum pengacau maka akan telihat mereka disisihkan.
Deok Man kembali dan So Hwa segera menemuinya dan bertanya apa Deok Man mendengar kabar belakangan ini. Deok Man tidak tahu. Deok Man hadir dalam rapat dewan dan Raja sedang memimpin. Deok Man melihat ada yang tidak beres. Kim Yu Shin kaget mendengar bahwa rakyat di benteng An Gang pergi dari tanggungjawabnya.
Bo Jong memberi laporan, mereka mengambil gandum dan peralatan pertanian yang diberikan Deok Man pada mereka dan lari. Seok Bum berkata bahwa Deok Man terlalu berharap dengan ekspedisinya tapi sekarang ia mungkin sedikit kecewa dengan hasilnya. Kim Yu Shin memerintahkan Bo Jong mengumpulkan semua Hwarang dan nangdo. Bo Jong tidak mengerti apa yang akan dilakukan Kim Yu Shin dan Yu Shin berkata mereka akan menangkap penduduk desa yang lari dan ingin agar mereka menghukum semua orang itu.
Deok Man keluar dari pertemuan dan ingat semua yang dikatakan anggota dewan, bahwa ia memberikan terlalu banyak kepercayaan pada rakyat. Ha Jong berkata dia memberikan apa yang dibutuhkan mereka untuk bertahan tapi jumlahnya terlalu sedikit siapa yang mau menyia-nyiakan tenaganya untuk mengusahakan tanah itu. Kemudian Seol won berkata kebaikan Deok Man akhirnya membuatnya gagal. Se Jong tanya bagaimana ia akan mengurus masalah ini terutama mengenai gandum yang mereka ambil, apa Deok Man mau menggantinya dengan pajak dari wilayah lain.
Al Cheon datang dan memberi salam pada Deok Man. Ia melaporkan bahwa Kim Yu Shin sudah berangkat dengan Hwarang dan tiba di benteng An Gang untuk menangkap penduduk desa yang sudah melarikan diri. Deok Man berkata ia juga akan ikut mengejar dan minta Al Cheon mengatur perjalanannya segera. Al Cheon mengerti. Saat Deok Man akan pergi ia melihat Mi Shil.
Mi Shil dan Deok Man berbicara pribadi, Mi Shil mengatakan bahwa kata2 Deok Man mengenai memerintah rakyat dengan dialog, kebenaran, dan harapan tapi kebenaran bagi mereka terlalu mengganggu untuk dilakukan, harapan juga jauh dari kemampuan mereka untuk mengerti. Dialog terlalu luas untuk pikiran mereka yang sempit dan bila mereka dilepaskan maka mereka akan ragu. Rakyat itu masa bodoh dan sering kekanak-kanakan dalam perilakunya dan inilah mengapa mereka takut jika ini dihadapkan pada mereka dan inilah mengapa mereka susah dikendalikan.
Mi Shil berkata dengan menyuapi mereka dengan makanan dan tempat berteduh selama ini, apa Deok Man berharap bahwa mereka akan keluar dan menjadi mandiri. Mi Shil tertawa bahwa diatas itu semua dia juga mengingatkan bahwa Deok Man tidak menghukum mereka untuk kejahatan mereka sebagai contoh. Mi Shil berkata penghukuman harus dilakukan langsung, berputar dengan kejam dan kasar seperti badai yang mengamuk. Kemudian hanya memberikan penghargaan dengan penuh kepercayaan. Ini adalah dasar sebagai penguasa. Mi Shil bertanya apa Deok Man akan mencoba menghancurkan negrinya sekali dan untuk selamanya.
Deok Man membela diri, pertama rasa penderitaan rakyat tidak ia anggap sebagai pemberontakan, ini lebih terlihat sebagai bertahan hidup. Mi Shil tertawa dengan definisi Deok Man, bahwa orang yang berkhianat pada orang yang memberi mereka makan hanya karena mereka ingin bertahan. Deok Man berkata bahwa ia harus meyakinkan mereka dengan kata2nya endiri tapi ini adalah sesuatu yang tidak akan Mi Shil lakukan, karena Mi Shil selalu memiliki ketakutan dalam pikirannya. Inilah mengapa Deok Man sekarang dapat mengerti bahwa Silla tidak pernah maju sejak jaman Raja Jinheung karena faktor ini.
Mi Shil tercekat mendengar jawaban Deok Man. Deok Man menambahkan bahwa Mi Shil tidak akan pernah menjadi penguasa negeri ini. Jika ia adalah pemilik negeri ini maka dia akan menyenangkan rakyatnya dan menganggap mereka seperti kekasihnya sendiri. Kemudian Mi Shil akan terus mencari tahu apa yang diperlukan rakyat dan mengerti kebutuhan mereka dan berharap akan kemajuan mereka terhadap pengetahuan, tapi karena tampaknya dia bukan pemilik tapi cuma merasa ia harus mengasuh dan merawat anak orang lain maka Mi Shil harus mencela mereka, menghalangi mereka, dan hampir tidak melindungi mereka dan hanya melakukan tugas2 yang ia lakukan dengan segan.
Ini karena Mi Shil bukan pemilik dan bagaimana Mi Shil bisa memiliki mimpi atau harapan untuk masa depan mereka dan untuk negeri ini. Deok Man berkata bahwa Mi Shil seharusnya tahu bahwa tanpa tindakan heroik, tidak ada yang berani bermimpi dan perkembangan tidak akan sampai kepada keturunannya yang tidak memiliki mimpi2 itu.
Deok Man membuat Mi Shil tidak bisa menjawabnya. Mi Shil kembali ke kediamannya setelah menerima kata2 Deok MAn. Mi Shil melihat bayangannya sendiri di cermin.
Deok Man dan rombongannya berangkat ke benteng An Gang dimana Deok Man terlihat gugup. Kim Yu Shin melapor bahwa akhirnya ia berhasil menangkap penduduk desa yang melarikan diri. Deok Man menemui mereka. Ia bertanya mengapa mereka melarikan diri. Para penduduk desa hanya memohon agar nyawanya diampuni dan memberi kesempatan pada mereka lagi.
Kim Chun Chu datang ke benteng An Gang dan para penduduk desa memohon, mereka akan mengusahakan tanah seperti kesepakatan dengan Deok Man sebelumnya. Tapi Deok Man tidak ingin mendengar permohonan mereka hanya ingin tahu alasan mengapa mereka lari. Kepala desa berkata tidak ada jaminan bahwa mereka akan dapat mengusahakan tanah itu dengan baik dan jika mereka gagal untuk bercocok tanam mereka hanya akan dibebani lebih banyak hutang.
Deok Man menjelaskan bahwa peralatan pertanian yang ia berikan adalah yang terbaik kualitasnya dan terbuat dari besi untuk senjata. Penduduk tidak tahu perbedaan kualitasnya dan Deok Man menyebut bahwa ia sudah minta bunga untuk pajaknya seperti yang dilakukan para bangsawan. Deok Man bersedih dengan kebodohan para penduduk.
Deok Man berkata bahwa ia ingin membantu mereka lepas dari perbudakan para bangsawan dan membuat mereka menjadi mandiri di tanah yang dianugerahkan untuk mereka, lalu membayar bunga mereka tanpa yang lainnya dan membebaskan mereka dari perbudakan. Deok Man bertanya apa mereka berharap diperbudak oleh kaum bangsawan dan menjadi pekerja paksa di tanah milik bangsawan. Deok Man tanya apa mereka ingin melanjutkan hidup dibawah perbudakan dan membawa semua keturunan mereka kepada takdir itu. Deok Man tanya apa mereka tidak menyadari ia ingin memberikan tanah pada mereka untuk ditanami untuk memperoleh hasil panen dan anak mereka akan mewarisi tanah itu.
Deok Man ingat kata2 Mi Shil, bahwa kebenaran bagi mereka adalah terlalu mengganggu, harapan itu diluar jangkauan pikiran mereka, Dialog juga terlalu luas untuk pikiran mereka yang sempit dan semua kebebasan yang diberikan pada mereka akan membuat mereka ragu. Penduduk desa memohon agar diampuni dan akan mendengar apa yang Deok Man katakan tentang kemandirian.
Kemudian Deok Man ingat, Mi Shil berkata rakyat itu masa bodoh dan sering kekanak-kanakan dalam bertindak dan ini mengapa mereka menjadi takut jika diperhadapkan dengan tanggungjawab dan mengapa mereka susah dikendalikan. Deok Man bertanya pada diri sendiri apa Mi shil benar dengan pola pikir rakyat. Sementara itu, Mi Shil mengingat kebenaran yang diucapkan Deok MAn bahwa Mi Shil tidak pernah atau tidak akan menjadi penguasa negeri ini. Mi Shil bertanya apa Deok Man benar dengan fakta itu.
Kim Yu Shin memerintahkan penduduk desa berlutut dan diam. Deok MAn berdiri dan berkata tidak peduli apa yang ia ambil, dia akan membuat penduduk memiliki tanah mereka sendiri dan dalam tanah itu mereka tidak hanya tapi juga memiliki kualitas hidup dan harapan untuk masa depan kemudian Deok Man melangkah ke depan ke arah penduduk desa dan menarik pedang Kim Yu Shin dan mengarahkan pedang ke arah leher kepala desa itu. Semua kaget dengan tindakan Deok Man.
Deok Man berkata pada kepala desa bahwa dia sudah melanggar perjanjian mereka dan mengkhianati kepercayaannya dan membuang masa depan teman2 sedesanya. Deok Man ingat penghukuman harus datang seperti badai yang mengamuk dan memberikan penghargaan secara pantas. Ini adalah dasar menjadi penguasa. Deok Man berkata bahwa dia akan membuat mereka menyadari apa itu menemukan harapan untuk diri mereka sendiri dan dia tidak akan pernah menyerah dengan mereka.
Kepala desa hanya dapat memohon untuk mengampuni nyawanya dan semua juga memohon agar nyawa mereka diampuni. Deok Man sedih tapi ia sudah menetapkan hati. Deok Man menyabetkan pedang, dia membunuh kepala desa dengan satu kali sabetan pedang. Semua shock dengan tindakan Deok Man saat ia membantai penduduk itu tanpa ampun.
Deok Man : Aku pasti akan melakukan semua yang perlu dilakukan...Aku akan melakukannya. Kisahnya bersambung...
Synopsis/summary of The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 39
Mi Shil said that what if the nobility refuse to sell their inventory, the price will not take a plunge. Deok Man doubt whether that they will be able to persist & withstand that temptation of not to force sell. Deok Man question that the people who hoard the commodity at a high price will able to sustain this. Mi Shil explain that the reason why the nobility keep the procurement as Deok Man interrupts that they wanted to gain ownership to the independent or the self sufficient agriculture land as their own. Mi Shil said that the nobility will able to withstand as Deok Man argues that if they will able to unite in common goal that it will be great but however Deok Man asked whether the individual person may able to withstand the impact alone. Deok Man reminds that Mi Shil has mentioned this fact herself that this is naturally human heartfelt. Although Mi Shil preach that the nobility may unite & will able to withstand the impact but Deok Man tell that Mi Shil may be the 1st person who will be so eager to run out to force sell her hoarding inventory, Se Jing& Ha Jong gets really uncomfortable as Deok Man lay out her cards. Mi Shil is left dumfounded with upset as Deok Man got her tongue tied.
Deok man leaves the meeting & Bi Dam greets her as she asked about the Military reserves. Bi Dam inform that they are starting to release in small quantity to the market. The prices start to plunge drastically after the rumours that the military reserve will be flooding the market. The market now is volatile with the dilemma whether they should sell or hold. Deok Man asked what is the market going price currently. Bi Dam said it is now at 15 nyang & may dip tomorrow . Deok Man order that to buy back the commodity at 10 nyang & tell Bi Dam to make the buying swift & at once. Deok Man is confident & determine in her trading battle with Mi Shil
Ha Jong complain that he hoarded the grain purchased at 4 times the current price. Mi Saeng asked ha Jong to explain what he is trying to grumble about properly. Ha Jong could care less & hastily leaves that he will force sell to cut his losses as Se Jong too to follow his son out as well. Mi Saeng is also concern about the fear that Ha Jong has brought out & pursuit them out of the room. Seol Won Rang is left in the room where Mi Shil tell him to leave to settle his losses as now they can’t able to prevent or control the nobility’s reaction to force sell their hoarding & they must cut their losses to the minimum. Mi Shil is upset that she has been checkmated by Deok Man
The Hwa rang captain tell there is information that the military reserve are being traded on the market & Im Jong said he never imagine that it will come to this reality. The Hwa Rang captain asked how can do such an act without anyone prior knowledge. The other Hwa Rang captain complain that Seok Bum & Baek Ui were the 1st to force sell their hoarding & led to this negligent & they just can’t stand idle & need to alert their families to quickly sell off their hoarding before the occurrences losses becomes massive
The market now is crowd & flooded with commodity from people who is force selling their hoarding as the merchant has his hands full of people trying to sell their hoarding to merchant & they now refuse to any from the seller. Yeom Jong is looking at the commotion from a distance. Yeom Jong asked how much is the current price index as the merchant tell it is now currently at 13 nyang a sack. Yeom Jong tells the merchant to start buying them back when the price hit 10 nyang. The merchant understand Yeom Jong instruction
Ha Jong panics & shouts to take his hoarding out of his store to sell the grain as soon as they can as the price plunges. Ho Jae pay a visit to Ha Jong after hearing the news from Seok Bum that they came over as soon as they can. Ho Jae asked whether they need t swallow this in. Se Jong is defeated t resign that they couldn’t do no other. Seok Bum said that this is nonsensical that they need to united the nobility together & raise their complain. The other Hwa Rang captain said that their family will backed se Jong’s action. Mi Saeng comes ranting that this is really disturbing to see & that they need to forget their difference & reorganise themselves & summon for the Hwa Baek council to asked Deok Man to explained her action. Ha Jong concurs that they need to remove Deok Man from deliberating in state politics. Se Jong them asked to send letter to the council member on the emergency session
Mi Shil goes to see Deok Man to asked what will happened next if the prices were to sky rocket, will Deok Man use the solution of flooding the military reserve to trade to appease the rise in price. Mi Shil said that Deok Man acted recklessly & she had to admit that it has caught her surprise that her offensive boldness in her behaviour & inanity would have confuse anyone but however Mi Shil warns whether there are serious repercussions that may befall on her for her recklessness. Deok Man concurs that problem can’t be resolve with the release of military reserve but then the nobility will always have to think twice in their action to give some reserve thought for this offensive boldness behaviour & inanity Royal Princess of Silla for them to deter from manipulating the market price index
Mi Shil admire her gutsy spirit but then whether she like it or not that the nobility is the foundation of this nation that they are responsible for state administration for tax collection & the protection of their lands. Mi Shil asked that she will be curious to finds how Deok Man is going to govern this nation without the support of the nobility & she is worry for Deok Man & wishes her every success as Mi Shil leaves, Deok man drop Mi Shil a curious query that she had kept it at heart on a suspicion since then & now. Deok Man said that Mi Shil is wise & her hind sight is accurate & versatile in term of her attitude & leadership quality that there is no one can surpasses as yet but however yet why then that did the Silla of the post period of King Jinheung reign has not progress & laid stagnant for so long even with Mi Shil who obtain a talent in remarkable leadership, it is seem obvious that Mi Shil who had great ability & talent should there been seen great progress with her administrative but Deok Man doesn’t see any progress when she reads the documentation that it grown to a stalemate after King Jinheung’s reign & next to none. Deok Man throws the question how Mi Shil is able to explain this reasoning. Mi Shil just glance & smiles & leaves. Deok Man wonder if that question has any impact on Mi Shil as Mi Shil walks the corridor & looks rather ruffled as she pass Kim Yu Shin who greets her with a bow
Kim Yu Shin comes in & asked why Deok Man always entwine to provoke & enrage Mi Shil at all times. Deok Man doesn’t know what Kim Yu Shin is implying as Kim Yu Shin tells he meant Mi Shil. Deok Man said is that what it seem as she just gave some honest curiousity in her line of questioning. Kim Yu Shin is surprise. Deok Man tells Kim Yu Shin isn’t it the way it should be for a country to progress to great height under the leadership of a great & capable leader but her curiousity drives her why isn’t the theoretically happening in actual situation, she is curious to know the reason as she will not want to repeat the same mistake & walk that path
Kim Yu Shin asked whether they able to replenish the traded military reserve from the market. Yeom Jong is filling the grain in his store after purchasing them back for 10 nyang. Kim Chun Chu observing Yeom Jong’s store activities as Yeom Jong greets him asked Kim Chun Chu asked whether they were able to replenish the traded grain in full. Yeom Jong said when speculation happens, it easily affect the price index to go frenzy wither way of the scale, the nobility is force selling their hoarding like crazy. Kim Chun Chu concurs as Yeom Jong that he may able to vouch to comment on other matter but Princess Deok Man know what economics of commercial trading is all about. Deok Man can able to sell the grain for 20 nyang a sack & buy back the same amount for just 10 nyang & accumulate to double her profit in the exchange of buying & selling. Bi Dam is listening in on the conversation as Kim Chun Chu tells that the Royal House is indeed insufficient in funds. Yeom Jong didn’t understand Kim Chun Chu remark as Kim Chun Chu explains that Deok Man has to force to use military reserve in order to manipulate the noble to counter the speculation game. Yeom Jong praise in amazement that Kim Chun Chu intelligent in able to read the situation. Yeom Jong said that the Royal Household is weak in their authority as they look like nursery
Kim Chun Chu enquires about the topographical maps of the 3 kingdoms. Bi Dam prick up his ears as Kim Chun Chu surprise to see Bi Dam in the midst. Yeom Jong insists that Kim Chun Chu continues to finished his sentence as Yeom Jong notice that Bi Dam is staring in their direction. Kim Chun Chu seek refuge behind Yeom Jong as Bi Dam approach Kim Chun Chu that he mentioned the topographical maps of the 3 kingdoms & asked why he has growing interest on the knowledge of topographical maps of the 3 kingdoms. Kim Chun Chu brushes it off as nothing & gave the excuse that he is going back to the den to play some rounds with the Juryeonggu & leave in a hurry. Yeom Jong follow suit by accompany him in the game but Bi Dam stops Yeom Jong from going & pats Yeom Jong’s shoulder that he owe his life to Bi Dam to survive. Bi Dam asked Yeom Jong’s silence on the knowledge of the books his teacher has wrote & his knowledge of his network that facilitates that books’ content. Yeom Jong agrees. Bi Dam asked whether the military reserve has been so far replenish from the procurement
Deok Man inform the Hwa Baek council that the military reserve has once again been replenish to its former inventory. Mi Saeng said that the matter of the replenishment of the Royal reserve is not what concern us as Ha Jong said that they were not consented when the reserve were being sold without prior knowledge. Se Jong concurs that there is a matter in procedure to go about the matter, so they want Deok man to explain her action to the council. Deok Man then explains that those who are convene in this council are the guilty perpetrator themselves. Ha Jong is surprise at the accusation of Deok Man pointing the finger that they are guilty, how dare she is so reproachful in her speech. Mi Saeng concurs that Deok man may be a Royal Princess but she may not use such reckless speech & language to speak to the Council Ministers. Ha Jong wants Deok Man to retract her words immediately as the other Minister also calls for Deok Man retract her insolent words against them & becomes rowdy
Deok Man calmly pick up a document & read out the content of the council members hoarding records
Lord Se Jong, 1800 seom
Lord Ha Jong, 980 seom.
Lord Mi Saeng, 1280 seom.
Lord Seol Won, 320 seom
Lord Seok Bum, 850 seom.
Lord Yong Chun, 330 seom.
Seom is the measurement of a sack, it is about 47 gallons
Then some minor council member like Lord Indong (don’t know who he is) as Ha Jong interrupts with an outburst on what is the meaning of this as Deok Man just read on that Lord Indong, 180 seom. Deok Man declare that this are the quantity that the council Minister have been hoarding that cause the price index of the grain to sky rocket due to manipulation & speculation that has cause grievances among the common people to kill each other. The Ministers in the council had to snap their mouth shut. This had lead to a crime of murder that looming of cloth that borne the work of many month of labour is not worth anything to buy grain from the merchant to sustain themselves. Deok man asked whether that qualify them as guilty perpetrators with her accusation. Ha Jong asked whether it is a offense that should he forsake a life of wealth, he also concern about the citizen’s welfare. Deok Man said that she is also doing the same things with the military reserves by trading it on the market to appease the citizen’s suffering, is that consider a offense too. Ha Jong brings the argument that the matter is involving the movement of the military reserve, traditionally this matter has to be debate in the Council of Minister. Deok Man argues that the 1st priority of the Royal Household is to relief the people from starvation that is ravaged by the famine. Deok Man question is that why the Hwa Baek Council is for to administrate state affairs of the country & this is why the formation of such a council.
Se Jong then say that this may merely be so, but the matter is about as Deok Man cut him off that they can’t brush aside the starving population with just petty remark as merely be so. Kim Seo Hyeon concurs that if they were not quick to appease public sentiment, then the situation may had turn out to be a turmoil & chaotic as the people might revolt. Mi Saeng said that for the Minister who is in charge of Ministry of Military Affairs can prattle such arrogant after release the reserve to the market, Ha Jong concurs that it is indeed so. Whatever explanation it is clearly against procedure & common practice. Ha Jong propose that the Ministers might come united in order to vote that Deok Man revoke the political authority & forbade her to debate in state affairs. The other Ministers concurs that they should vote against Deok Man.
Deok Man suggest there is a way that she will not debate in state affairs & will leave quietly. Everybody looks at her strangely. She calls for an ordinance law pass to prohibiting speculation & manipulation of price index. She dares the Council to do it & she will gladly resign & leave the debate & rest her case. Mi Saeng said that it is preposterous to suggest that to make law. Ha Jong asked that he has no right to use his own funding to purchase commodity. Kim Yong Chun tells that Deok Man is saying that it is their greed that has cause the people to suffer. Ha Jong bluntly tells that Kim Yong Chun was also part of the hoarding nobility & is just as guilty & why he is taking sides with Deok Man. Kim Yong Chu asked how Ha Jong can speak in such contempt in his address. Ha Jong then accuse that Kim Yong Chun only bought a small volume as he has inside trading information that even Kim Seo Hyeon didn’t even buy a single sack & accuse them of being in league. Then Ha Jong & Kim Yong Chun when on a childish prattle of name calling each other as they vent their anger to a fist fight with other trying to restraint them from a full blown fist fight
Oh! This looks a lot like the Korean National Assembly
Mi Shil just blankly looks at the chaos of the Hwa Baek council as Deok Man gains the upper hand
Princess Man Myeong surprise that the Hwa Baek Council didn’t sanction Deok Man & ended the meeting without deliberation of whatsoever outcome. Kim Seo Hyeon informs that the nobility from all provinces trusting that the Hwa Baek council might led to something has hastily return to their provinces. King Jinpyeong smiles at the situation as Kim Seo Hyeon tells that Ha Jong storm out of the council after the outburst. Queen Maya said that sometimes Ha Jong prove useful in situation like this with his temper. King Jinpyeong concur otherwise that the fact that his action may seem that Ha Jong is lacks in discernment but it is not what it seem, the moment that Deok Man brought out the passing of the law to abolition manipulation there is a fear that it may come to reality & that is why he purposely created that commotion to divert everyone’s attention away from the matter. Kim Seo Hyeon doesn’t know whether Ha Jong can be s far sighted to plan his action but he must have instinctively felt that threaten in that way. Ha Jong is really beastly when it comes to that character. King Jinpyeong feeling sharp pain as he feels the discomfort
Ha Jong throwing tantrums & wimping like a child that the matter really driving him upset & pleads with his mother to do something about the matter. Mi Shil pacify her son that live & let forget the losses that they had suffer. She reminds that they had reap enough profits from the past to be so petty. Ha Jong complains how can they just brush them off as being petty. Seol Won Rang reminds that the harvest season will be coming upon them, as Mi Saeng adds that when the harvest commence then they has to bring in the levy & taxes. Seol Won rang said when levy are being collect there will be problem that arises yet again. Seol Won Rang suggest that they defer in battling against Deok Man for the time being until then. Mi Saeng said that the losses has proven too great & it will not be wise if they engage in confrontation against Deok Man for the time being. Ha Jong query why Mi Saeng & Seol Won Rang to be flock of the feather singing the same tune together engaging in the same thought of mind. Ha Jong then accuse that Seol Won Rang didn’t hoard as much as they did & asked whether he knew of the inside trading. Seol Won Rang asked Ha Jong to give this debate a rest
Se Jong said that they will have a chance to cross swords with Deok Man later but they can’t allow Princess Deok Man to have a free hand in state affairs. Mi Shil said that Deok Man is very much different than King Jinpyeong in his youth or even Princess Cheon Myeong. Mi Shil said although Deok Man doesn’t work in the lines of the Royal Household in her thoughts & actions that may not be seen as great but yet Deok Man leaves her slightly off set by her. Deok man going through documentation as Bi Dam & Kim Yu Shin comes it to praise her for her achievement in the Hwa Baek council & yet she is still mopping around the study. Deok man greets them as Kim Yu Shin tells that she should take the opportunity to enjoy her laurel of success & easy the stress & tension from the confrontation. Deok Man said that they need to bring out an ancient saying of “look what the in law are talking” with the situation such as this. Bi Dam doesn’t understand Deok Man’s remark
Deok Man tells that during her days as Nang Do Kim Yu Shin never give her a 2nd chance for her to rest & even to himself. Kim Yu Shin shy that Deok Man brings out old memories of them together. Bi Dam is upset that he doesn’t share fond memories with Deok Man. Bi Dam asked about the profits they has made in the trading, what is the significant behind it since it is a large amount. Deok Man said that it is because of that matter that she summon them to see her. Deok Man wants to discuss the plan to use the funds & require opinion from Bi Dam & Kim Yu Shin on the matter. Kim Yu Shin asked her to explain as they will heard it diligently. Deok Man goes to show documents to Kim Yu Shin about her expedite plan leaving Bi Dam somewhat left out. Deok Man wants to use iron that is use in weaponry for farming tools as Bi Dam can only be just a bystander in their discussion
Mi Shil also reading through books as Deok Man’s words haunt her over why progress for Silla has remain stagnant since the days of King Jinheung’s reign. Then Seol Won Rang comes in to see Mi Shil & tell her in regards to Kim Chun Chu that he has plan to proceed in marital ties. Mi Shil asked him to proceed as Seol Won Rang sees Mi Shil rather startle & disturb in thoughts. Mi Shil tells that she is slightly off weather. Seol Won Rang suggests that Mi Shil should retire to rest to feel better. Mi Shil assures that she will be well & fine after a much needed rest & asked Seol Won Rang to leave but as he leaves he tells Mi Shil not to be invidiousness. Seol Won Rang said that he felt the same self low esteem that is made comparison to the threatening self image of his own background. Mi Shil assures Seol Won Rang not to be too worried but Mi Shil is really shaken in confident by Deok Man
The next morning, Mi Shil comes to the Royal library then finds Deok Man snoozing on top of the book she has read to do her research. Mi Shil seeing Deok Man sleeping so soundly quietly & seeing that Deok Man has browse through a lot of materials over the night & went on to do her own set of research when Kim Chun Chu & Bi Dam comes barging into the library & they notice Mi Shil in the library & greets her with respect as Mi Shil acknowledge their greeting where Kim Chun Chu asked what is the purpose that Mi Shil is here in the library so early. Deok man wakes up as Mi Shil tells that she has to read up some materials. Deok Man greets Mi Shil to asked when she came to the library. Mi Shil said that Deok man looks so tired & sleeping so soundly, she didn’t dare to wake her up
Deok man whether Kim Chun Chu came to do some reading as he conform. Kim Chun Chu thanks Mi Shil on the painting she sent through Bo Ryang’s letters in which he appreciate it very much & express his gratitude. Mi Shil has heard from Mi Saeng that Kim Chun is a man with great refinery for the fine arts
Bi Dam goes to Deok Man to tell that not to worry & overly concern about Kim Chun Chu as Kim Chun Chu is making progress in his martial art training under Bi Dam tutelage. Bi Dam also added that Kim Chun Chu contribute beneficial effort towards the issue of the market speculation incident. Deok Man is pleased with the statement as Kim Chun Chu denies of any involvement & when did he contribute effort towards resolving the incident. Bi Dam said that Kim Chun Chu is the person who to why the nobility goes to manipulate the price index & his concern over the weak Royal Treasury. Deok Man is glad that Kim Chun Chu is aware of the happening around him. Kim Chun Chu said that Bi Dam is flattering about him & it is none of that. Kim Chun Chu bow to them as he leaves the library. Deok Man tries to call out to Kim Chun Chu when So Hwa enters to inform her that King Jinpyeong wants to see her. Deok Man goes to see the King.
Then the library left Bi Dam & Mi Shil. Bi Dam greet Mi Shil & leaves as Mi Shil mentioned that Bi Dam is given the task by Deok Man’s instruction to tutor Kim Chun Chu. Bi Dam said that it is otherwise that on the contrary that he is the person who is learning from Kim Chun Chu. Bi Dam said that nobody bother to enlighten him with matter about the Royal Household from the day he was born until now. Bi Dam bow & leaves the library. Mi Shil carry on with her reading but Bi Dam’s words rather taken some affect on her
King Jinpyeong reads Deok Man proposal & asked that she really want to plan to do this as Deok Man confirms. King Jinpyeong asked whether her proposal will able to increase independent landowner to cultivate more agriculture. Deok Man answer that it is most certain & King Jinpyeong asked her to proceed to give her plan a try. Deok Man is surprise that her father give her a green light & approval to proceed with her proposal but King Jinpyeong advice his daughter that it is not as easy as she will imagine it will be but none the less she should give her plan a try. Deok Man thanks her father for his consent. King Jinpyeong asked that does she intend to use their recent profit to finance this proposal. Deok Man said that it is most certain that they need to use the profit to succeed the plans. King Jinpyeong understands & asked her to proceed as she wish
Deok man goes to the Royal blacksmithery factory as Al Cheon asked the workers to pay greeting to Deok Man. Deok man instruction that weapon production with temporarily seize & rework the schedule in making farming tools & implements. The staff tells that the Royal blacksmithery doesn’t forge farming tool, it is something for the common market black smith to do. Deok Man said that the quality of wrought iron they use are of lowest grade & quality. Deok Man was to use the best grade iron to forge those farming tools that is used here with that quality of iron. Bi Dam said that the iron are precious to be use to forge weaponry. Deok man will invest & finance the making of these farming tool with the profit that they made in the recent trading. Deok man order the black smith to do as they are told. The blacksmith obey Deok Man’s instruction. The blacksmith start to forge, draw, shrink, bend, punch & weld the iron to farming tools. Bi Dam finds it exciting that his heart beats rapid as Deok Man concurs that she has that same adrenalin rush too. Deok Man said to herself & to Kim Yu Shin in her heart that she finally got hold of something that may help her to supersede Mi Shil’s might & power
The there is a pheasant revolt where people took arms of household implements & rushes to An Gang Fortress where troop are ready prepare for the siege as the angry crowd was access to the fortress to see the Governor. The soldier block their entrance & asked how dare they storm the fortress like that then after some pushing, all hell break lose between the pheasant & the soldier. The soldier couldn’t contain the raging crowd as the pheasant gain entrance into the fortress. Then a messenger rides on to deliver a message.
King Jinpyeong receives the report that there is a revolt happening in An Gang Fortress. Kim Seo hyeon said that the pheasant has taken siege of the fortress & holding the governor hostage. Queen Maya knows that An Gang Fortress is under the jurisdiction of Se Jong how could this be allow to happened. Kim Seo Hyeon said that the agriculture land suffer the swarming of locust outbreak ravaging the fields & lost their corps & the harvest have been half due to swarming. They only managed to reap 500 sack of grain. Princess Man Myeong said that this doesn’t justify the reason why the pheasant was to go & hold up the governor hostage. Kim Yong Chun said that the matter is that Ha Jong has refuse to lower the levy & taxation & force them to pay the same amount for the crops in full. Kim Seo Hyeon said that the harvest is by half & yet Ha Jong claims for 500 sacks of grain as levy in which Deok Man adds that this will leave the pheasant with nothing to feed themselves even with whatever devotion they has to harvest the crops. Kim Yong Chun said that Ha Jong has the whole lot of their harvest as levy
Deok Man said that it is in the procedure for the Official when their land is struck by famine or locust outbreak then they should sent petition to the palace to lower their tax as an exemption. King Jinpyeong said that Ha Jong is making the situation worse with intent. King Jinpyeong queries Ha Jong & Se Jong over the management of An Gang fortress. Ha Jong said that he is just doing this as it is common practice. Se Jong said that he is collect the levy & dividing half to the state as the procedure suggest & Se Jong sees no wrong in that. Deok man remind that the land was swarm by locust outbreak & the harvest has been half & yet Se Jong collect the same levy as per normal. Ha Jong asked whether it may be suggested that the palace gives up its share of the levy then. Deok man asked whether Ha Jong is suggesting that they do away with their share of the levy. Ha Jong agrees that if the palace do so, they will return the 250 sack to the people but however none will be give from their share. Ha Jong wimp that the last exercise orchestrated by Deok Man has left them burnt in their purses, so the Royal Household should take the responsibilities to lighten the people’s suffering by offering their share so that the people can be free from bondage of the land & be made force tenant. Deok Man & King Jinpyeong can only look at the very sulk Ha Jong
Kim Yu Shin tell Bui Dam if should the royal household ready to agree to give up their share of the levy for the people not to be bondage then the Royal Household will be weaken financially to exempt them from levies, as Bi Dam adds but however Ha Jong will had taken his share of the amount in the levy where he is in no lost. Kim Yu Shin & Bi dam deliberate said that it is a history repeating itself with the Royal Reserve being use as ration relief to the people. Even with ha Jong throwing a tantrum, Deok Man can’t ignore the pleas of the people’s grievance & must act upon them. Bi Dam said that somehow the nobility has too many control over the administration of the country
Ha Jong goes to boast to Mi Shil how he had made Deok Man frown as Ha Jong press her & she could retaliate with no words or reply. Mi Shil asked whether Deok Man has any backup planning to handle the matter prior to this. Ha Jong doubt there is any preparation as Deok Man turn ghostly pale from his rebuttals. Se Jong said that Deok Man can’t do anything about the matter unless the Royal Household do conceit their part of the levy as the only method to resolve this matter to lighten those suffering will eventually be force to be force tenants. Ha Jong agrees as how dare Deok Man attempt to appropriate what is rightful theirs to. Mi Shil tells that Deok Man effort always return to a point of starting block & when will Deok Man wakes up from her youthful dream & realise the harsh reality of life
Kim Chun Chu goes to play a game of Juryeonggu & winning. Mi Saeng comes by to greet Kim Chun Chu & congratulate on his lucky streak & excuse for his lateness. Mi Saeng said that something amusing interesting happened today in state affairs as Kim Chun Chu asked what is so amusing. Mi Saeng said there is a pheasant revolt in An Gang Fortress. Kim Chun Chu is surprise at the mentioned of a revolt. Mi Saeng tell that Deok Man’s stratagems has left them bitter, this is the chance for them to retaliate for what she has done to them. Kim Chun Chu then asked how did they go about doing so. Mi Saeng said that the harvest was ridden by swarming of locust but then Ha Jong collect the levy as it was the norms. Do you think that the pheasant will stand by idle at this action, this will natural ignite a revolt within them & then Ha Jong refuse to part with his portion of the levy & suggest the Royal Household conceit their share to appease the pheasant’s suffering
Joo bang trying to explain the political situation at An Gang fortress to So Hwa in a simplified manner that if the Royal Household conceit their share of the levy, it will weaken the Royal Treasury. If the Royal Household doesn’t do anything, the pheasant will be force into usury & eventually become force tenants. So Hwa said that she understand Joo Bang clear explanation. Joo Bang advertise that he could able to read by the time he was 3 years old then Go Do add that when he was 3 years he could lift boulders. So Hwa tells that Deok Man did so much for the people not to have the people enslave by usurp but it seem that it has return back to square one, what Deok Man needs to do next about the matter. Joo bang tells So Hwa not to indulge in too much worries as it may not be good for her health
Al Cheon tells Kim Yu Shin & Bi Dam that Deok Man is heading to An Gang Fortress to see the matter for herself. Bi Dam said that she is going to inspect the revolt personally. Al Cheon said that Kim Yu Shin should pave the way & wants Kim Yu Shin to apprehend & bring the Village Head to her. Kim Yu Shin is surprise at her request. Bi Dam wonders if Deok Man has found a plan
Queen Maya is worried whether they really able to managed this issue with this method of way. Princess Man Myeong concurs with Queen Maya that it is exceed beyond Deok Man realm of ability. Queen Maya said that if this succeeds then Royal Household can bypass the nobility with the collection of levy & will increase the independent landowner to cultivate the land & Princess Man Myeong said that eventually the common people will able to farm on the land they will own & not be tenant. Queen Maya is concern that will that be the solution. King Jinpyeong said that he & Princess Cheon Myeong has confront against Mi Shil in several occasion & had vanquish Mi Shil as in result but each time Mi Shil is defeated by them, she seem to have the composure of confident & never left in doubt but however this time is different as Deok Man has successfully managed to get Mi Shil & the nobility uprooted & stir to chaos. King Jinpyeong trust Deok Man’s judgement
Mi Shil is surprise that Deok Man has gone to An Gang fortress inspect the situation personally. Bo Jong said that Deok Man has sent Kim Yu Shin to organise the path & Deok Man has just departed for An Gang fortress. Se Jong asked how can Deok Man tries to negotiate with pheasant directly. Seol Won Rang asked Mi Saeng what is Deok Man plans to do about the matter. Mi Saeng thinks that Deok Man will go & implore the pheasant to appease their anger. Ha Jong laughs with what she is going to implore them, by asking for the intent levy from them. Mi Saeng doesn’t think this laughing matter to reckon with. Mi Shil smiles as she thinks Deok Man is at a lost cause
Deok Man & her entourage goes to An gang Fortress. Deok Man has worry written on her face. Kim Yu Shin anticipate Deok Man arrival & greets her. Deok Man asked for the progress as Kim Yu Shin has the Village Head as instructed & is waiting for her arrival. Deok Man asked about the Governor as Kim Yu Shin answer that he is still held hostage by the pheasant in the fortress. Kim Yu Shin asked whether Deok man is going to see them personally. Deok Man confirm that she will see them as Kim Yu Shin tells that they are waiting in camp tent for her. The Village Head is tied up as Village Head warns that if they are not release in 2 time period – si gan (4 hours) the hostage governor & his soldier will be killed by the pheasant revolt. Kim Yu Shin advice that it is a mistake to deliver threats to Deok Man. The Village Head voice out that they have been mere treated unjustly as the nobility took all the harvest they had as levy. They explain that the harvest was ridden by swarming locust & their harvest was down to half & yet levy was collect as the previous year harvest. They all said that it was unfair. Deok Man asked how can a Chieftain instigate to thinking of organising a revolt. This is seen as rebellion & it goes to become that all their life is at stake as they revolt against the government. The Village head said that they have taken all the harvest that they has reap, this already spell a certain demise is waiting for them anyway since there is nothing left for them to survive. Village Head relay an incident that because the pheasant protest against the taking away of the harvest ended having a young child killed in the midst of the commotion. When they went to see the Governor to plea with their grievances another man got kill because of it. The head village asked what other choice to there have open to them as option. The village head said that Kim Yu Shin has told them that Deok Man is here to open an option for them & to give them a chance of survival, that is why they have stake their lives to hear what Deok Man has to say. Deok Man asked whether if she were to give them an option of a chance, will they adhere to her wishes. The village head said that he will have to bear the responsibilities for his action in the instigation of this revolt & asked that Deok Man spare the villager’s lives & give them a least chance of a survival. The other village who accompany the village head stood up & begs for Deok Man to spare the village head’s life. Al Cheon draw his sword to asked the others to sit down.
Deok Man asked Al Cheon to stand down & tells Deok Man that she will return the villager 250 seom of grain from the levy. The villager asked why she will do it as Deok Man add furthermore that she will decree to bestow to each of them 3 gyeol of land & new farming tool of good quality to start cultivation of the land for crops
Gyeol is a measurement of about 2000 sqm2
The villager hearing this diligently to asked whether it is really true that they are to be returns their grain as well as land division with farming tools. Deok Man said that there will be an incurred in a loan with a small interest . the village said that it is not charity as Deok Man lays the calculation that the levy taken from them is 250 seom so if they add 50 seom to cost to cultivate the land then it will add up to 300 seom. The village head is surprise at the sum as Deok Man said that if they can harvest more than 50 seom from their cultivation then the remaining will be theirs for the taking. If they succeed in making this land to be agriculture land then the land will be in their ownership. The village repeat that they will gain ownership to the bestowed and if they can able to cultivate on it as they said that they need to pay any further levy to the nobility who has ownership to the territory. Deok man confirm their queries as affirmative
The villagers said that Deok Man first & foremost return them 250 seom. Deok Man assures then if they start to cultivate the lands, by the next year & the year after next, they will able to be to have sufficient & have a bountiful harvest. The villagers are more eager in getting their grain back as Deok man adds that she will accord the farming tools & land for them to cultivate, this is her covenant promise as Silla Princess to them. The village head then adhere to Deok man’s wishes as she has instructed. Kim Yu Shin has his suspicion on their change of loyalty. As they leave the meeting, Al Cheon brings out that they need to be punish for their act as Kim Yu Shin agrees with Al Cheon that these men are responsible for the revolt but Deok Man is bestow them the land & farming tools & punishment for their misconduct must be separate any different issues
Deok man said that the village head stake his life for the sake of his village to come & barter with them but Kim Yu Shin still insist that the village head instigate the revolt & must be deal in punishment for his crimes. Deok Man gave it some thought then Deok man goes to the village head to tell that he did this out of no choice but still he had instigated a revolt & threaten the security of the nation & undermine the King’s authority. The village head understand of his wrongdoing & willing to take the wraps for his action. Deok Man then tell that the village head’s head will be the saving grace of his misconduct that he has cause the peace of this country in his defiance. The village head asked that Deok Man to spare his villager from any wrong doing. Deok Man then instead grant to spare the village head his life so that he can relay Deok Man’s earnest intent for their sake & give them a chance of survival in cultivating the lands bestow. Al Cheon voice his protest as the village head is glad to be spare.
Deok Man tells that if they will be able to cultivate the bestow land they can have the land as ownership & will not be enslave to the nobility as tenant. The village head said that if they are spare, they will do the utmost according to Deok Man’s wishes. Deok Man said that she will give amnesty towards their crime as Al Cheon again protest on Deok Man leniency. Kim Yu Shin concurs that this can’t be allowed. Deok Man then reiterate that she is the Royal Princess decree her wishes & none of them shall say otherwise. Kim Yu Shin apologise for his insolent but yet Kim Yu Shin protest as Deok Man said that whatever she decree is the representative of the Royal Household & Silla court & unprecedented beyond anything. Deok Man tells the villages if they abide to her instruction then the villager will have a chance of survival & a better quality of life but failing to do so, she shall take their life as she has just spared. Deok Man asked whether they realise the consequences to their ordeal at present. The village head promise that they will do as she wish after she spare their life so graciously & thank her with gratitude. Kim Yu Shin is not sure about the villager
Deok Man & her entourage leaves as Al Cheon tells Kim Yu Shin that Deok Man wants to stop over at Gahye Fortress as Kim Yu Shin take her wishes.
Gahye Fortress is formerly Jecheon, Chungcheong Province
Se Jong asked whether Deok Man has return to the palace. Ha Jong tells that Deok Man after her successful theatrics charade at An Gang fortress is now sightseeing Gahye fortress. Rumours of the incident of An Gang fortress spread like wild fire, she is greeted with triumphant praise & cheering “Long live the Princess” as she goes along her tour. Se Jong can’t believe that Deok Man didn’t punish the perpetrators of the revolt. Ha Jong concurs that this has cause more trouble towards their side of the matter in the future. Mi Shil asked when is Deok Man making her return to the palace. Ha Jong estimate that since she is being rave where ever she goes, he will think it will take some time. Se Jong said that she already been away for 10 days, she will return shortly. Se Jong said that since she didn’t punish the perpetrator will that be seen that they are being sideline
Deok Man returns as So Hwa runs to her & Deok Man greet her return. So Hwa said that have Deok Man heard about the recent news. Deok Man has not heard as So Hwa turn towards the palace to indicate grave news. Deok Man comes to council where King Jinpyeong is presiding with the Ministers as Deok Man is really seen unsettled about the on goings. Kim Yu Shin is shock that the villager of An Gang fortress has fled from their responsibility. Bo Jong inform Kim Yu Shin that they took the grain & farming tools bestow to them by Deok Man & fled. Seok Bum said that Deok Man has high expectation for her expedition but now she might be rather disappointed by the outcome. Kim Yu Shin then orders Bo Jong to gather all Hwa Rang & Nang do at once. Bo Jong doesn’t know what Kim Yu Shin is implying as Kim Yu Shin said that they will capture the village who fled & want them all apprehend every single one of them. Deok man walks away from the meeting & recalls the Minister telling her that she shower to o many trust on the population. Ha Jong tell her that she gave in to their needs to survive but yet even with a small collateral who will want to waste effort in cultivating those land to be self sufficient when they can get give outs. Then Seol Won rang said that Deok Man’s benevolence have eventually failed you. Se Jong asked how is she going to handle the matter in regards with the grain that they took, will she compensate that lost with other region with their levy & tax
Al Cheon came to greet Deok Man & inform that Kim Yu Shin has ride with the Hwa Rang & departed for An Gang fortress to capture & apprehend the village who has fled. Deok Man tells Al Cheon that she will follow in suit & asked Al Cheon to arrange the journey at once. Al Cheon understands as Deok Man was about to leave, she notice Mi Shil coming
Mi Shil & Deok Man has a private chat that Deok Man lecture that Deok Man’s tag line speech about rule the people with dialogue, truth and hope but the truth for them is much too bothersome as a prospect for our people to take in, the wishing of hope is beyond their intelligent to comprehend. Dialogue is too large for their narrow minds, & any free rein given will lead them they will hesitate. The people are pragmatic & often childish in their behaviour & this is why they are afraid if this is presented to them & that is why they are hard to control. Mi Shil said by spoon feeding them for so long with food & shelter, will Deok Man expect that they will fend for themselves in the great outdoor cold to provide & be self sufficient. Mi Shil laughs that one top on that she also remind that Deok Man didn’t reprimand for their crime by showing an example. Mi Shil said that judgement of punishment must be done direct & swift in cruel & ruthless as a raging storm, then only to administer any reward with prudence. This is the basic fundamentals of being a sovereign. Mi Shil question that whether Deok Man is attempting to ruin this country once and for all
Deok Man defends that firstly the formal state of grievances of people who were about is not something that she has put a definition of a revolt, it is seen as a matter of survival. Mi Shil laughs at Deok Man definition that these people betray the hand that feed them in order for them to survive. Deok Man tells that she must not have convince them with her words but then this is something Mi Shil will never allow in her vocabulary of rule as this is because Mi Shil has always and only instilled fear in their minds. This is why Deok Man now can comprehend that Silla had never progress since the King Jinheung due to that is that deciding factor. Mi Shil is choke that Deok Man gave her the answer as is that the answer.
Deok man further add that Mi Shil is never or will be this nation or the people’s legitimate ruler or the proprietor. If she was the proprietor then she will have cherish her people as thought they were her own off springs & then Mi Shil will constant strive to what to know what the people needs & understand that needs & hope to progress from the knowledge of that needs but however it is seem that since she is not the proprietor but merely feels that she is just babysitting & nursery someone else children that Mi Shil always had to reproach them, constantly hinder them, & only barely shelter them & just doing a chore or job that she has been reluctantly assigned, this is because she is not the proprietor & how could Mi Shil ever going to have dream or hope for their future & for this nation. Deok Man said that Mi Shil should know that without no heroic feats shall not await for anyone who dare not dream & process of development not come to descendant that is lacking in those dreams
Deok man leaves Mi Shil speechless as Deok Man adds salt to her wound that her words has left a deep marking on her mind punishment must come like a raging storm & and prudence in rewarding in moderation & she agrees that this goes without any menacing & threatening precedent & hence she will not exclude or omit to use that precedent to her achieve her goals. Mi Shil goes back to her chamber after suffering from Deok Man brutal reality check. Mi Shil looks at her reflection on the mirror
Deok Man & her entourage goes to an Gang fortress where Deok man is nervous in her journey. Kim Yu Shin announces that they send greeting as Kim Yu Shin finally apprehended the fled villager. Deok Man preside over them. Deok man asked why they need to flee away. The village can only beg to spare their lives again & to give them another chance. Kim Chun Chu comes to an Gang fortress as the villages pleas that they will cultivate the land as agree if Deok Man spare them
But Deok Man doesn’t want to hear no pleas but wants to know the reason why they fled away. The village head said there is no assurance that they will be able to cultivate the land successfully & if they fail to cultivate they will only be burden by debts. Deok Man explains that the farming tool that she bestow are of the best quality forge from the iron reserve for weaponry. The village doesn’t know the difference in quality then Deok Man mentioned that she has asked for interest for the levy just as the nobility has done
Deok Man is sadden by the dunce intelligence of the pheasant. Deok man tells that she wanted to help them escape from the strong hold tyranny of the nobility & makes them not to survive on handouts but being self sufficient in the bestow land to gain that independence then pay their interest without any other collateral & to free them being enslave. Deok man question that do they wish to be enslave by being force tenant on nobility land. Deok man asked whether they want to continue to live under enslavement that is subjected to all their descendent to that fateful destiny. Deok man asked don’t they realise that she wanted to give them land for them to cultivate to yield a harvest & their children able to inherit those land.
Deok Man recalls Mi Shil that the truth for them is much too bothersome as a prospect for our people to take in, the wishing of hope is beyond their intelligent to comprehend. Dialogue is too large for their narrow minds, & any free rein given will lead them they will hesitate. The villager pleas for their live be spare & wouldn’t listen to what Deok Man is trying to preach to them about self sufficient. Then Deok Man dishearten recalls Mi Shil that the people are pragmatic & often childish in their behaviour & this is why they are afraid if this is presented to them & that is why they are hard to control. Deok Man asked herself whether Mi Shil is correct on the mindset of the people. Meanwhile Mi Shil recalls Deok Man hard truth that Mi Shil is never or will be this nation or the people’s legitimate ruler or the proprietor. Mi Shil question whether Deok Man indeed right about that fact.
Kim Yu Shin order the people to kneel down to their position & be silence. Deok Man stood & said that no matter what she takes, she shall make them gain their own land & in that land they not only but the quality of life & hope for the future then she step forward to the village & draw Kim Yu Shin sword from the sheath & & lay the blade at the village head’s neck. All presence is surprise at Deok Man action. Deok Man tell the village head that he has gone against their covenant promise & betray her trust & discard the future of his fellow villagers
Deok Man recalls punishment must come like a raging storm & and prudence in rewarding in moderation. This is basic fundamental for being a sovereign. Deok man tells that she will let them realise what is it to find that hope by yourselves that this she will never give up on the people. The village head can only plea to spare his life as the other chorus to spare their lives. Deok Man is sadden but with a twist of her determination she then does with swift stroke of the sword, she slay the villagers down with a single stroke. Everybody is shock at Deok Man action as she slay those villagers mercilessly. The story continues...
The Great Queen Seon Deok ( Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕)) Episode 39
The Great Queen Seon Deok ( Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕)) Episode 39 Part 1
The Great Queen Seon Deok ( Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕)) Episode 39 Part 2
The Great Queen Seon Deok ( Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕)) Episode 39 Part 3
The Great Queen Seon Deok ( Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕)) Episode 39 Part 4
The Great Queen Seon Deok ( Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕)) Episode 39 Part 5
The Great Queen Seon Deok ( Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕)) Episode 39 Part 6
Source of synopsis/summary of The Great Queen Seon Deok is taken from: (Thank you and credits to
(Terima kasih dan kredit diberikan kepada,, dan semua pihak atas sumber maklumat dan video)
(Thank you and credits to,,, and all sources for the information and videos)
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