Senin, 23 November 2009

Miss Canada,Lena Ma and Miss Sierra Leone, Mariatu Kargbo are the winners of the Miss World Talent in Johannesburg on 22/11/09

The judges who had the difficult task of choosing the winner of the Miss World Talent Fast Track in Johannesburg on November 22nd decided to declare a tie and give the award to joint winners: Miss Canada (Lena Ma) and Miss Sierra Leone ( Mariatu Kargbo) were both announced as winners of the competition and are now fast-tracked into the Miss World 2009 top 20 Semi Finals.

2nd place went to Miss Korea, while 3rd and 4th places went to Miss Norway and Miss Australia, respectively.

The other finalists were the contestants from Bahamas, Barbados, Georgia, Suriname, Mauritius, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Guyana, Gibraltar, Serbia, Thailand, Spain, Indonesia, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Lebanon, Albania and Zimbabwe.

Source: Thank you and credits to

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