Sabtu, 28 November 2009

Natalia Navarro, Miss Bolivar is the newly crowned Señorita Colombia, or Miss Colombia Universe 2010

Miss Colombia (Universe) 2010
First runner-up will compete in Miss International next year

CARTAGENA DE ÍNDIAS, November 17, 2009 - Natalia Navarro, Miss Bolivar, confirmed her favoritism and was crowned Señorita Colombia, or Miss Colombia Universe 2010.

The 1st runner-up, Miss Meta, will represent Colombia in Miss International 2010.

The top 5 was completed with Misses Cundinamarca (2nd ru), Antioquia (3rd ru), and Atlantico (4th ru).

Natalia will now get prepared to compete in Miss Universe 2010, in a venue and date yet to be confirmed.

Video clips of the crowning moment Natalia Navarro Señorita Colombia 2009-2010

(Thank you and credits to,TheMichelleRouillard Channel and all sources for the information and pictures)

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